
Monday, July 29, 2013

All things work together for good.

As I woke up Wednesday for my appointment at Mayo, I can't explain the peace the Lord gave me.  It was definitely from Him.  He's so good to me.

 Now, don't get me wrong, in the midst of the peace that the Lord gives, there are still some roller coaster emotions.  These past weeks have sort of felt like I've been in a cloud.  I find myself asking, "Is this really me going through this? I've always been so healthy!"  "Am I really the one going to Mayo?"

 As I was wasting some extra time between my appointments, I browsed through the giftshop at Mayo.  As I glanced around taking my time, I saw many things with the Mayo cups, t-shirts, name it.  At first I thought, " You've got to be kidding me, who wants to get a shirt with 'Mayo' on it.  Not the kind of thing I want to say, "Been there, done that, got the t-shirt"  (Although that's not really a saying I use to begin with!)  But, then, I realized that Mayo has been a place where people come from all over the world to get answers to their health problems.  It's amazing there.  I've been so blessed to be able to come and see so many doctors and have so many tests.  They truly care and are trying to help me.  So, there is some sort of significance to buying a Mayo t-shirt.   They are a tool that the Lord is using in my life.

Told you...roller coaster emotions! :o)

Tuesday night Patrick and the kiddos will arrive in Fort Lauderdale.  Then, they will drive on over to Fort Myers.  I can't wait to see them!  I called  Patrick,to tell him what they found in my lungs on Friday.  I told him, "I just need you here!"  He has wanted to come a long time ago, but we always felt that the next appointment could have the answer, the right meds, and I would be on my way back to St. Barths before he could arrive.  But after my visit with the doctor, and I saw the concern in his eyes, I knew I wanted my husband to come.

Wednesday, Patrick and I will leave for Jacksonville.  I have a lab appointment first thing Thursday morning where they will check for yeast growth in my blood.  The doctor says there is a small possibility that this is a fungal infection in  my lungs.  He doesn't seem to be leaning towards that diagnosis, just more hopeful for it.  I had mentioned this before to my other doctors, but they always dismissed it since I don't have most of the symptoms.  Thursday afternoon I will see the Pulmonologist.  He wants to compare my previous CT Scans, MRI, and Nuclear Bone Scan, and see if the nodules in my lungs were missed during those tests.  Most likely not, but they want to check.  If they were not there on the last exams, then the nodules are growing rapidly.  The Pulmonologist will come up with a plan to figure out what these are.  There is also a chance that he will want to watch them for a bit.  We will see.

Once again, I beg for your prayers.  God's way is perfect and I feel His powerful hands on my life.  There are times when Patrick and I are strong for one another, then there are times when we aren't as much.  Sometimes those tears, as we talk, actually make us feel better.  I was reminded the other day of when Jesus wept.  How compassionate He was.  So....our emotions are all over the place.  But even in the midst of them, God is faithful.  I have given Him my life.  I've asked Him to reach the island of St. Barthelemy through me.  I don't know what that will take.  But, I'm willing.

I'm reminded of Romans 8:28 
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

So, should I get the t-shirt, or the sweatshirt? :o)


  1. We have read your blog for a l-o-n-g time now.
    Never really comment...just usually glad to have time to 'read'! Smile
    Anyway, I am wanting you to know that (as you know) we so become interested and really feel like we get to know these that the Lord has brought to us on our path in life & even yes, through blogs! So, my heart has been praying & hoping for a answer for you for a long time....when I saw the up-date the other day I must say and with compassion yes, I felt like Lord these sweet folks are serving & bringing your truths to others "please" heal her and this post makes me know and once again reminds me...yes, we are to "PRAISE" in the good and bad times!
    Please know that way up here in the corner of our area in Wisconsin, we are praying for have a beautiful family & we will await hearing what God has for you in this walk. I am so thankful that your hubby is joining you and we "WILL" be praying!
    And the shirt...well look at my name? I think you should :)
    Blessings & a hug to you~

  2. I just found your blog on Friday or Saturday. I stumbled upon it without any knowledge of your recent health struggle. I have read a lot of your past posts, and I want you to know that I am praying for you. My heart goes out to you SO much!! I am very blessed by your peacefulness and trust. I absolutely can't imagine how hard this must be. Since finding your blog, I have been checking your blog frequently for updates. Though I don't know you, I love you as a sister in Christ, and care very much. I am praying for you.

  3. Kami, I have been following your blog posts ever since you visited us down here in Naples at Seagate Baptist Church. I think you are one of the most encouraging and inspirational Christian women I have met. My heart is heavy recently for your health troubles, but I am also reminded of Romans 8:28 when thinking of you. Please know that I am praying for your health. I am so glad to see that Patrick and the kids are coming to join you. I know that could be healing in itself.
    Love Jennifer Mazzotta

  4. Praying for you Kami. I know you will be so happy to see your family and they will be just as happy to see you. Hugs. xx

  5. We have been praying for you & your family Kami! We have a Saturday night prayer meeting at our church, Park Meadows Baptist, and we have been crying out to God for you and your family. I am so glad you will get to see your family. That has been hard on all of you, being separated this long. It will definitely be a joyful reunion.
    I think you should get the t-shirt. It is too hot where you live for a sweatshirt. :o)

  6. Praying. So glad that Patrick and the kids are coming to be with you. Trusting that the Lord has a wondrous purpose for this season.

  7. Hello Kami,
    You don't know me, but I have been following your blog for some time now. My family and I are missionaries in Japan. I came across your blog during the midst of a very difficult pregnancy, and I needed some godly encouragement. I found that encouragement in your blog. :D Ghe thing that drew me into your blog and made me want to read it was the adorably fun family picture at the top of the blog! I have been praying for you as you have been experiencing your health challenges and will continue lifting you and your precious family up to our Heavey Father. By the way, I would definitely get the T-shirt.
    Praying for you,
    Shellee Wilhite

  8. Praying for your family as they travel!!! I just read you hubby's update with the details of arrival.
    I can imagine it will be a joyful and emotional reunion tonight! Praying for you continually Friend!
    I check for updates whenever I am near the computer and the kids are always asking how you are :)?
    Praying for you all while you are on your current mission there in Florida.

    The t-shirt :).

  9. I have been following your blog for only a short time and I am deeply moved by your journey. Sending love and prayers for safe travels for your family, for finances and for your health. I think every mom's greatest fear is going through what you are. May you feel His strength and love. Wit love from Alberta, Canada.

  10. We are praying for you, my sweet friend! I posted about you on my blog today, so more people will be added to the already large group of people praying for you. You've been such a blessing in my life!
