
Thursday, August 1, 2013

An Update for Today

Today Patrick and I went to Mayo for my appointment with the Pulmonologist.  After carefully looking at my CT scans from recent and from the past, he said the nodules in my lungs are non-cancerous.  Whew!  I could feel the relief from Patrick just sitting next to me.  This is wonderful news!  But, then the doctor said that I am still a "mystery" and there is more testing to be done.  He's unsure of why my blood work has some unusual things.  He just doesn't know how it all relates.  So, in the morning I will go back for a CT scan of my head looking for infectious pockets or masses.  We're also waiting for the blood work I did this morning to come back.  

Thank you for your prayers.  I'll keep you updated.


  1. Praise God! Praise God! Praise God for answered prayers. I'm so happy for you my friend. I will continue to pray for all of you and for you in particular. Hugs. xx

  2. Wonderful news -- are they thinking scleroderma now?

  3. Oh, praise the Lord! Continuing to pray, but glad it isnt cancer!

  4. Thank God for watching over you all!

  5. Praise God! What an awesome answer to prayer! Thank you for sharing, Bro. Patrick and Mrs. Kami. We're still praying for final answers, but glad that wasn't cancer.

  6. We are so happy to hear it wasn't cancer. Still praying.

  7. I am so glad it isn't cancer! I am praying for you!

  8. Thank you, Lord!!! Still praying for answers, sweet sister!

  9. Well, this is most certainly FANTASTIC news! But, of course, we are ever mindful to keep praying...

  10. You are always in my prayers, Miss Kami! I praise the Lord with you that it is not cancer!

  11. Praise God! We're still praying for answers. I'm so glad your family gets to be together!
