
Monday, April 28, 2014

When I Am Well.....

The past few weeks I have been making mental "to-do" lists for when I get well.  These are things that were once "normal" to me, but lately haven't been really happening.  I am a list maker/ goal oriented person, so this was getting exciting for me! Here's a few:

~Be a playful/active Mom.  You know the kind I'm talking the park she's not the one sitting and watching quietly (or maybe hollering from a distance), but she is the one challenging her little ones to try and go higher than her on the swings.  She demonstrates how to do the monkey bars while giggling.  She's making trains with her kids going down the slides.  I want to be that Mom again.

~To not put on my jammies until 5 minutes before bed.  Josh says he knows when I'm having a not so good baby blue (slightly coffee stained) robe is on.  I want to be dressed and ready for my day minus the robe.

~Make a couple of quilty projects a month....not work on one for a year.  I look back at my blog and realize how I love to quilt!  I love my time while Patrick is watching football or some other sport, my little ones tucked in bed, and I have my sewing machine right there in the middle.  I want to sew again, and complete projects.

Well, as I was making my "to-do" list in my head, my devotion time changed my thinking.  Let me explain:

I was reading in 2 Chronicles 13.  Now, I know this passage isn't exactly talking about Kami Gimenez, it's talking about Abijah and the war he had with Jereboam.  But, the principle is true, and I love to make it personal.   If I personalize verse 12 it would say,  "And behold, God himself is with Kami for her captain....O, Kami, fight ye not against the LORD God"

And then it hit me....I  realized that I am dreaming of something God doesn't want for me right now.  I am living in a "future if."  Well, what about now?  What about this moment? If I am not careful, I fight against what He has for me, for this moment in my life.

 I love the end of the chapter in verse 18  (personalized again)  "and Kami prevailed, because she relied upon the LORD."  Prayerfully, one day I will be all the things above, but for now, I need to rest in God's will for my life, seek what His will is for me day by day. Rely on Him.  What a comforting thought.  God is so good to me!

We women can often live in guilt.  We set our sights so high and then when we don't complete our goals, we feel like failures.  The Lord is teaching me what it truly means to rely on him.  It means He knows best!  It might mean that our "to-do's"  slightly change.

So for now, I'm going to rest in the fact that God is so good!  And for those days I'm in my robe....maybe that son that has noticed will decide that maybe I need an aqua one instead! ;o)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Coloring Our Eggs!

 We love Easter!  And we love to color eggs!
 We have a few "traditions" for our coloring.  Beth always colors a polkadotted egg, Patrick a watermelon, me a yellow with a cross, Josh a white one (how did that begin?) It's so much fun!
 Half way through our coloring process, Silas realized that these were just like his favorite eggs we have on Thanksgiving! (Angeled Eggs!)  So he and Patrick started peeling and eating.  They loved it!

 I'm trying not to look at everything we do as possible "lasts for a while."  But, it's true.  This is the last time to color eggs with our boy...for some time.  He is so excited about college!  And I'm so thankful he's excited about stepping out into God's will for his life!  He made this egg with his college and the date he will arrive!

 We asked Mom and Dad to come and help us.  Mom was Silas's partner and Callie's partner was my Dad.
 They worked very hard together and made special memories!

 Micah was very proud of his blue egg.  It didn't stay this way for very long, though.  Right after this picture he dropped it and it was quite cracked.  Oh well, another one to eat! :o)

Great Job on the eggs guys!

Then, it was time to do some egg hunting outside.  Lots of fun memories!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Dillehay Family Easter Egg Hunt

My sister and her family are very creative!  They plan super fun stuff and one of them is an annual Easter egg hunt at one of our favorite parks.   

There was a lot of excitement in the car ride over to the hunt.  We had their baskets ready and coached our little ones how to go Easter Egg hunting!

They started off with a small devotion on the meaning of Easter.  I wonder who is that handsome man sharing his testimony?  :o)

Lots of eggs ready to be hid!

Do these two look ready to go egg hunting or what?  Or maybe not....Josh and Noah went to the park early and had been fishing for the past several hours.  These two have been best buds ever since they were about 9 years old.  I can't believe they are both graduating this year!  I think they are trying to do as many things together before College life takes over.

Then, they had a big cake walk.  I think there were 75 numbers to stand on.  On about the 3rd round, Silas was asked to pick the winning number.  And, guess whose number he picked?

His own number!  Ha!  And then he went over to pick his cake.  Guess which one he picked?  The one we brought!
My Dad loved helping Silas and Callie in the cake walk!

Then, it was time for the Egg Hunt!  As the instructions were being told to the 5 and under age group, Micah sort of escaped and started hunting early. Ha!  Little stinker!

Then, it was time for the Egg Toss.  Silas and Callie were partners.  They've never exactly done an egg toss before.  I think they thought we were all a little crazy for throwing eggs!
You know how it throw an egg to your partner.  If it cracks, you're out.

Silas kept throwing and their egg kept surviving!

There were many teams participating and one by one they would crack their eggs.  Sorry Beth and Mom!

Then, it was down to 3 teams....and Silas and Callie were still in it!  Now, I have to be honest and tell you they never actually caught the egg when it was thrown.  It kept landing half way and they would run get it....that's not against the rules right? So, to figure out the winner, the first team to throw it back and forth 5 times without dropping won....Well, my Silas and Callie weren't real sure how to do that...

But, in the end they still had their egg!  So, of course they were winners to me!

Such a great time with family and friends!! Thanks Dillehays!!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter
The Gimenez Family

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Celebrating Micah's Day!

 Micah had such a sweet birthday.  Celebrating with a 2 year old is so much fun!
Of course we started off the morning with presents!

 He loved every gift and wanted to play with each one.  I think this was the year for eyewear for him.

 We bought him a Little People trash truck.  Micah loves to watch the trashtruck come and pick up our trash.  He gets so excited!  So, when he opened up his very own trashtruck that makes noise, he was thrilled!

 That evening we had our family over to celebrate with us.  So thankful for cousins!
 Lots of craziness mixed with some hugs, too!

 The boys all gathered around when it came time to open the scooter from Grandma and Grandpa.  Of course they had to help him!
 Micah was so thrilled with all of his new things that he really didn't want to take time to sit for cake.  So, we stopped him for a tiny second so we could sing....
 ....and he could blow out his candle.  I love how Logan is in the background blowing with him!

Not every 2 year old gets to celebrate their day with their great Mam-maw!  So thankful that she has been here for the winter.  But, now that spring is here, it's time for her to fly back to the north.  We sure will miss her!

It was a great day for Micah!  So thankful for our boy!!