
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fun With Grammy

 We were so excited to have Grammy visit us last week!  We enjoyed a relaxing week of just being together.  The kids loved making Pates with her.  It's one of their favorites!!

 She had plenty of helpers!

 Fun Memories and Yummy Pate!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Our Sherman Girl

 About a month ago we noticed our hen, Marsh, was sitting on eggs.  Everyone's eggs!  We could not get her off!  Oh boy, did we really want chicks?  Well, after much debate about what to do, and trying some things....she quit sitting on them.  We were left with 2 dozen half baked eggs.  So, Josh and I learned how to candle them.  It was so neat seeing the chicks moving inside the eggs!! wow!  We realized we had about 11 baby chicks waiting to hatch.  We set up an incubator and watched and waited....and learned that we aren't a very good momma hen.

 Out of all we only had one survive.  :o(  But, hatching day was quite exciting!  It took about 12 hours for her to come completely out of her shell after her first pip.

 We hung out in the laundry room the whole day watching the progress!  It was so exciting!

 There was lots of cheering going on for our new chick!

 Then, she hatched.  There was varying opinions on her cuteness.  Some called her adorable.  Others thought she was quite ugly.

 And then our little ones decided to name her Sherman.  I think that would be a better name for a rooster!  but, it will work!

 After a day Sherman dried out and was so fluffy and cute!
 She comes to us like we are her Momma.  It's adorable.

Welcome to our little farm family, Sherman!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


 What a school year this has been!  With a move and the starting of a church, it has been quite hectic.  But, my amazing kiddos have trudged along and finally at the beginning of July we could say, Summer is here!  Finally!
Within minutes of completing the last Pace, you could find Brenna typing to a friend and Beth reading a good book.  (In Momma's bed!  Why is that? :o) )

So, even though our summer is going to be shorter than normal we are already filling it up with lots of fun!

Next year I will have one in kindergarten, 1st grade, 11th grade and.... A SENIOR!  Whew!  Am I ready for this?  I also have my college guy working on his correspondence.  So, we have lot of plans for summer relaxing fun, because next school year will be busy!!

Thursday, July 9, 2015


 So much turmoil lately.  I'm saddened as I read my facebook feed and see so much arguing and aggravation with one another.  Then, as I read the comments, I realize that many assumptions are being made.  Try reading a comment in the meanest voice possible.  It upsets you!  Then, try reading the same comment as a friend in a loving, unargumentative manner.  Your feeling might be quite different.    Assumptions are never helpful in achieving true communication.  Many people's feelings are being hurt and many hurtful words being said.

As I was reading in my Bible this morning, I was once again amazed at David.  How slow to anger he was!  In 1 Samuel 24 his enemy, Saul, is chasing him once again. David had the chance to be avenged of his enemy and kill him!  He didn't.   He could have gotten revenge!  He didn't.  Instead, he let his enemy go.

In the center of my Bible I have some notes from a message I heard preached about this passage.

~Expect to be mistreated at some time.
~Anticipate feelings of revenge.
~Resist those feelings
~Refuse to fight in the flesh.
~Forgive.  (Only with God's Help is this possible!)

Forgiveness Brings Victory, Bitterness Enslaves Us.

Romans 12:17-21 Is the perfect companion passage to this thought.

Recompense to no man evil for evil.  Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath:  for it is written, Vengeance is mine;  I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him;  if he thirst, give him drink:  for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy 16th Birthday to my Brenna!

 Today my sweet Brenna turns 16!
 Our sweet baby girl is such a blessing to our family.  I love how she jumps right in to the ministry and helps in whatever way she can.  She has been such an asset to the starting of VSIBC.
 Her Piano skills are absolutely amazing.  I love her talent!  She does so well teaching the 2 and 3 year old Sunday School every other week.  She plans such cute little crafts and has captured the hearts of the little ones.
 She's incredibly happy to be done with her 10th grade year.  This school year was quite long with some difficult subjects.  This summer is going to be full of fun!
 I'm thankful for my sweet girl.  I love being with her and spending time with her.  God sure has blessed us!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

21 Years

 It has been 21 years since my sweetheart and I said "I Do"  I am so blessed to have this wonderful man in my life!
 We knew we would be super-duper busy for our anniversary this year.  It's sandwiched between two of our kiddos birthdays,  4th of July is 2 days after, and we planned a big Church BBQ then as well.  Then, with preparing for the girls to head off to camp a couple days after....we knew it was going to be tough to really have an anniversary date.
 But our sweet children had other plans.  A couple nights before our anniversary, at the dinner table, we were handed an envelope.  In it was some money and instructions.  It said that we were to be ready at 6pm, the night of our anniversary for pictures, then to head to dinner.  Then, after dinner, our bedroom suite would be awaiting.  They are so creative!  And we were so excited!
 Then, Wednesday night, the sweet people of VSIBC surprised us with an Anniversary card and a gift card to the Great Outdoors (It is a nice restaurant in High Springs)  How thoughtful!

 So, after our pictures, we were ready to eat.  We had a wonderful meal, and enjoyed some much needed time together.
 When we arrived home our bedroom suite was awaiting.  These sweet kids thought of everything!
Many candles were lit and romantic piano music was playing.  There was a side table with coffee and hot tea.
 There were 3 mini pies for our dessert.  They also had found a movie on Netflix for us to watch and set up the TV.  They even had our jammies laid out and had sprayed my perfume on mine, and Patrick's cologne on his.  How thoughtful!  I have a bunch of romantics here!

 It was a wonderful evening spent with my love.  As Patrick prayed for our meal tonight, he thanked God for the 21 years He has given us together and said he can't wait to spend the next 21 with me.  I truly am blessed.