
Friday, March 24, 2017

Glorious News!

 The very day I found out I was expecting a baby I, like many Christian mothers, began to pray for them to one day accept Christ as their Saviour.  It was my greatest heart's desire for them.  Hearing your child pray out and asking Jesus to save them is a highlight of my life!  

Joshua was super young, but super ready and understood that he needed Jesus. As Patrick prayed with Joshua in his room, he later told me that he could see my shadow and knew that I was right there, too. 

Then, my Beth was 6 1/2 and was coloring a picture that she desperately wanted to show me, she said that the letters said, "I want to be saved."  Patrick took her into the bedroom of his parents house (we were visiting there that week) and I listened outside the door as she prayed and asked God to take her to heaven when she dies. 

Brenna was 5 1/2 exactly and had been asking so many questions, but just wasn't quite ready.  One evening, Jesus knocked on her heart's door.  She was in the living room as she prayed with her Daddy and I was in the hallway listening. 

Silas was 5 when he realized he needed Jesus to be his Saviour.  He came to our room late one night and on our bed, bowed his head and prayed with his Daddy and asked Jesus to save him.  I stood with the door cracked to our room so I could hear.

Callie was 5 during a thunderstorm at church that she knew she needed Jesus as her Savior. I was singing a special and looked on the front row and saw her crying.  When I took her to the back, she was ready to make heaven her home! 

As each of our oldest 5 accepted Christ, I dreamed of the day when all 6 of my children would be saved.  To know that we would all spend eternity in heaven was a peace that I prayed for, desperately wanted, and anticipated.

Well...that peace has come!  Last night, Micah accepted Christ as his personal Saviour!!  When I tucked him in, he said, "Momma, I really want to get saved."  Patrick was in his office, and I told Micah that he could go and talk to his Daddy about it.  This wasn't the first time for him to talk with his Daddy about getting saved. Micah has asked a lot of questions this past year but just didn't quite understand.  This time, he was ready.  I crawled into the room and sat on the floor as I heard my baby boy call out to Jesus to save him.  Hallelujah!

That night, after I tucked him in, he ran into where I was and said, "Momma, is there night in heaven?"  I responded, "No, Micah, there is no night in heaven!"  He smiled and ran back to bed!  This morning he said, "Momma, I'm so glad that I'm saved, I just don't want to forget it!"

There truly is no greater joy!!


  1. Wonderful news! May God bless that little guy!

  2. This post made me tear up. Yes, it is so wonderful to hear our children pray to accept Christ. I am waiting for that day with Brina, and I sense that it is close. She is talking about it quite a bit, but has not yet come to full understanding. The other night I sat on her bed and explained how I accepted Christ as a 6-year-old girl. It was sweet to talk with her because she is so interested in it now. I am so happy for Micah. So happy that all of yours are in Jesus' fold.

  3. Hi my name is Ericka I have two little boys age 4 and half and 3 , its amazed me that all your kids accepted the Lord as his savior so early age, can you help me how you did it , to bring them to understand more and accept Him. thank you

    1. Hi Ericka! What a question! This one made me stop and think and ponder about this. I will post on it soon!
