
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

3 New babies!

Last week, after milking Trixie, Callie and I noticed 3 new babies!  Jenna finally had her kids!

Of course, we missed their births, too.  It looks like they were born just moments before we saw them.  We kept a good eye on Jenna.  She seemed to be bothered by them for the first hour.  They were very wet and dirty. 

Then, she came around and cleaned them up good.  She definitely is a different Momma than Trixie and doesn't seem too bonded with them.  But, they are growing and are healthy!

There are 2 bucklings and 1 doeling. 

They are all so adorable!!

Silas and I have had fun picking out their names....but that's for another post.
Having fun on Storybook Farms!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A quick trip down south

Last week we had a scary phone call.  The results from my Dad's tests didn't look too good.  We cried a bunch.  We prayed a lot.  It was one of those situations where time seems to go so slowly as you wait for more results.  It's also one of those where you wander around trying to figure out what you should be doing with your time.  Know what I mean?  My sweet husband knew I needed to see my Dad.  So, a quick decision was made to run down to Fort Myers for a couple of days.  I just needed to hug him and Mom.

My Mom also happened to be having hand surgery, so I was glad I could be there for that as well.  We spent some time with my parents and it was so nice to just be together.  Dad even took me out to lunch!  Just me and him.  I loved every moment!

Since Mom and Dad had to be up super early for Mom's surgery, we knew they would be exhausted when they got home.  So, we snuck away for a little beach time so they could rest.  We Gimenez's tend to be a little loud, so I think they needed some quiet. :o)

We found a perfect, quiet spot on Bowditch point on Fort Myers Beach.  It was so beautiful!!  The water was clear and the sand powdery soft.  I love the beach!

The kids were so excited to play.  They made a cocina shell farm.

Isn't my Callie growing up?  She's such a sweet girl turning into a special lady. 

It was nice for there to be shallow waters a good way out for the kids to play.  It makes this Momma's heart not worry so much. :o)

My girls are definitely on a volleyball kick.  They play it all the time!

When we got back Dad started his Model A, Mrs. Green, and took us for a ride.  That was so fun!  It's so cool that my Dad has cool cars.  We had fun!

The kids also got some fun Grandma time.  They played lots of games and talked her ear off!

I sure do love my parents.  They love my kids.  They love my husband.  They love me.  And I love how they love each other.  Their marriage is a great example!

And, Praise the Lord, my Dad's doctor called yesterday with an AMAZING report!  They no longer suspect cancer as they first thought!  We are so excited!! He goes for more testing on Friday, so we would appreciate prayers for them.  Love you Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Happy Graduation Beth!!

My Elisabeth just finished up her Associates Degree.  We are so proud of her!  She takes her ministry of Church Secretary very seriously, and this degree will only help her to do her very best!

We decided to do a graduation party for her and another sweet girl from our church, Kylie, that is graduating from High School.  We invited our church family and had a great night!

We had games set up like cornhole and basketball.  The weather was wonderful!! No rain and not sweltering hot.  There was even a breeze.  Yippee!

We had wings and veggies and lots of chips.

And we had a yummy cookie bar.  I have a new favorite cookie made by a sweet friend....Maple Pecan.  Oh me, oh my, they were super good!!

Then, we enjoyed a great game of volleyball at our court out back.  There were lots of players and lots of spectators.  We cheered and cheered and laughed and laughed.

My Callie is getting good!!

This was our first fellowship as a church family since quarantine hit.  Everyone was so ready to just be together and talk and laugh.  It was such a great night to honor these 2 girls and to enjoy time together.  Lots of great memories!!

Friday, June 19, 2020

San Felasco Hammock State Park

We enjoyed a wonderful family outing to San Felasco Hammock State Park.  We've slowed down some on our quest to visit every state park in Florida before Silas graduates.    It's time to pick it up again!

We loved the hike through the beautiful woods.  North Florida is gorgeous!!

We saw pretty streams.

And boardwalks along the path.

It was quiet and peaceful.  Perfect for a day out with the family!

What a fun adventure!  We will definitely be going back!!

Monday, June 15, 2020

School Year 2019/2020 is in the books!

We are done!! Woo Hoo!! So excited to be finished with school for the year!  Silas is now on to 6th grade, Callie to 5th and Micah to 3rd.

I had two people give me Olive Garden giftcards for my birthday that I thought would be perfect to save and celebrate.

 It was so fun to go out as a family and eat lots of yummy food!  This was the first time we had been to a restaurant as a family since quarantine had started, so it was extra special.

My sweet, beautiful girls.  So proud of them both and the help they give to me as I homeschool these kiddos. From grading and assisting or just taking over if I have a down day, they are amazing!

These parents are looking forward to summer and I've already set some summer goals.  It's going to be great!