
Friday, March 31, 2023

When the dynamics change

I love when my family is all together.  My heart is truly content and at peace.  But, there are times when the dynamics change for just a bit and you embrace it.  Silas and Callie recently went to a youth conference at Clays Mill Baptist Church in Kentucky.  They loved it and had an amazing time!

So since we had two gone for almost a week, we planned some special things to do with Beth and Micah.  One thing was to head to the beach.  We had so much fun!! 

The beach we go to is about an hour and a half from our house.  Even though we live in Florida, we are smack dab in the middle of the state, so it takes us a bit.  This beach is on the gulf side with barrier islands helping to keep the muck and seaweed on the beach.  But, we don't mind! It actually keeps it more secluded. I love the salt air, the sand, the shells....I love the beach!!

Beth and I packed a snacky picnic lunch.  We brought our Bibles so we could do our devotions on the beach, and we brought plenty to read.  It was so relaxing and refreshing!

Patrick and Micah, on the other hand, fished and fished and fished.  They netted a couple of little ones and had a great time together.

I was trying to teach Micah the art of holding the fish towards the camera so it would look better.  I don't think he was quite getting it!

It's been a busy month or so.  And yes, this girl of mine really was asleep.  She deserved it!

 So thankful for time at the beach, for the salty air, for the sound of seagulls, and for the special time with my family.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Last of the season

It's warming up here in North Central Florida.  Spring has definitely sprung!  A couple weeks ago we had our last bonfire of the season.

It wasn't a planned bonfire, it had been a busy school day.  That evening was going to have different things that I needed to get done around the house.  So, when Micah asked if we could just sit together and have a bonfire, my first thought was, "No, I don't have time."  But then I stopped.  I realized something I had wrote down 2 years ago.  My goal as a Momma was to say Yes more.  It's so easy to get in a rut of saying No.  Have you ever been there?

All the duties of a Momma are ever present.  There is laundry, school papers, floors to sweep, preparations for the next do lists can seem never ending!  It's easy to put aside the fun in order to do what we think is necessary.  But, in the grand scheme of things, my kiddos won't really remember if I had everything "done" and crossed off my list.  What they will remember is those spontaneous moments when we just spent time together.

So let me encourage you, busy and tired Momma, say Yes today.  Say yes to throwing a ball or going for a walk.  Say yes to those things that you hadn't written on your list or planned to do. Say yes to reading a new poem that was written or a new story that your little one wrote.  They won't be little forever.  And they won't be in your home forever either.  Enjoy them.  Cherish them. Create memories with them, today!


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Really? A Duck?

You never know what cute little critter will capture our hearts.  Isn't God's creation amazing?  We recently visited some friends that have a little farm like we do.  They had just hatched some ducklings two weeks prior.  Callie was thrilled when they asked if she would like one!!

We brought home this guy and named him Gus.  (Although after further investigation, we think Gus is a girl. ;o)  )

This duck has been loved on that's for sure!!

It's so cute as it follows us through the yard.  And it loves the water!  It's so neat to watch a duck paddle around.  And waddling??? So adorable!

 We're having fun over here as spring has officially sprung.  I just love this time of year!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Decisions, Decisions....

Decisions, Decisions.....
When we started raising goats about 8 years ago, we just liked goats. It didn't matter the breed. First it was Jenna. She's our nubian and given to us from a friend. We decided we really liked having her and decided to get more. We got them from Craigslist and Facebook. We went to auctions and we also took in goats that friends didn't want anymore. We just liked goats.

Then, two years ago we decided to be a little more breed specific. We decided we wanted to raise Mini Nubians. They are a good breed for milking. And just adorable!

As you know, this is Silas's hobby (and mine too) and as he's been growing older, he really wants a way to earn some money. He has his mind going towards eventually a car, and then college. sniff sniff. My boy is growing up! So we have though about becoming a member of the MDGA and raising registered Mini Nubians.

It's quite a process and they are very specific with certain characteristics. So, we are trying to decide if we want to start raising registered goats. That would mean some of our goats would have to go.
Hard decisions ahead! Especially with faces like these!


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I am devoted to....

I've enjoyed studying out Psalm 119 in my devotions.  The Psalmist gives so many convicting statements.  They are statements that cause me to want to fill in the blank and ask "What can be said of me?" I'll give you some examples:

I have longed after __________

I shall keep __________

I am devoted to __________

I delight in __________

I have stuck unto __________

I have chosen __________

I will __________

Convicting, isn't it?  It causes me to ask what would be said of me.  If I look at my life last month, last week, yesterday....what would be said of me?

The Christian life is one that is to be growing and learning.  Constantly.  We are to be ever watchful of the direction of our path.  It's so easy to get off course, isn't it?  It's so easy to let things slip a little here and a little there.  It's easy for our fire and passion to get a little dimmer for Christ as we become consumed with the busyness of the day.  And that's how satan wants us to be.  He wants us to be so filled with the little things here and there that we forget our ultimate purpose; to glorify Christ.  He also wants us to think that our lives are of little importance and the things we do today don't really matter.

When I long after, stick unto, and choose the things that Christ would have me to, then He is glorified! He is magnified and made known!  He is elevated!

So what exactly does that mean for me today.  How can I glorify Him today?  In my very life?  

For me, I will probably come in contact with just a handful of people today: my family.  Today is a day that will be spent mostly (or completely) at home.  That is my path for today.  I will feed my 5 that are around my table.  I will wash their clothes.  I will organize the things around me and plan their day.  I will set a schedule for them.  I will speak to them.  As I go about this day, will I give Christ glory?  It's so easy to get too relaxed in a day like today.  No one is watching, right?  It's just our family, so it's okay to step back a little? Or is it? 

I'm afraid that's another snare of satan.  He wants wives and mommas to feel that their work in their home is insignificant.  He really does want us to feel that the clothes we fold and dishes we wash will have no impact on anyone.  But, dear sister friend, that's simply not true.  Just like the Psalmist, we can live a life devoted to Christ.  We can serve those in our home and by doing so we are serving Christ and bringing glory to Him!  

At the end of the day, I will be able to say, "I have chosen to __________."  I will be able to fill in the blank, "I have been devoted to __________."   "I delighted in __________."  

I am the one who gets to fill in those blanks for my day!  I pray that I can say I glorified and lifted up Christ!


Monday, March 13, 2023

I can just picture our Thanksgiving now!

It happens every November.  Denise (my mother in law) talk about how it would be so nice to have a double oven.  It's not a need in our lives neccessarily, but it sure would make things easier!  

Not too long ago we came home to a surprise.  One of our church members decided to have Josh let them sneak into our house while we were gone and deliver a brand new oven.  And guess what it has??? Double ovens!!!

 I still just can't believe it!!!  I have been enjoying using the air fryer option and I'm working at figuring the timing option better.  It's just a dream come true!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Before and After

Before..... And


We have another kiddo in braces!!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

So thoughtful

 I'm so thankful for thoughtful daughters that see when my schedule has gotten a bit hectic. They know how to make me feel loved. They prepared a beautiful,inviting retreat for me....bubble bath, candles and a good book. Sooo thoughtful!