
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kidding Season

 It has been quite the kidding season and it is so fun watching our little farm grow! 

When we got goats 9 years ago we had a lot to learn! And then last year when we decided to move more towards the registered side of goats, we had even more to learn!
We've learned about testing for diseases to make sure our herd is clean and safe.
We've learned how to give tattoos to identify them.
We've learned how to disbud them when they are really young so that they will not have horns. Honestly that's not my favorite duty at all! So I just let Patrick and Silas handle that one 🙂
We've learned how to give vaccines and what to watch for. We've also learned how to be in contact with other farmers and watch for kids born with traits that we would like to bring onto our farm.
And I'm pretty proud to say that through this, we've been able to see some amazing goat kids born on our farm! As we've developed what we desire to see, it's so fun to see that come to fruition!
I love raising my family on our little farm!


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This says summer

 My favorite place to be in the summertime is on the beach with my family. 

I love when you get out of the car you can instantly smell the ocean. 

I love the sand between my toes and the sun on my arms. 

I love hearing the seagulls and the waves on the shore.

I love reading a good book with my feet in the water.

I love how the kids can find adventure!

I love how it makes us slow down and laugh and talk and play.

And I love how at the end of the day you can watch the sun as it sets and praise the Lord for another beautiful day!


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Learning to be a big brother

As you can see, Asa had been reading up on his baby skills. 😊

He has done incredible with the adjustment to becoming a big brother and loves his baby Azariah. 😊

Has there been a little jealousy? Maybe, but not much and he's doing great. I love this picture though of him at his pops knee.  He's proud of his brother, but we still give him plenty of Asa attention too. 

Azariah is growing and doing great. And Brenna is too! Praise the Lord!!

Enjoying this life as Lolli. Each season keeps getting sweeter. 💕

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Place to Write

 A really great opportunity came up for my Beth! We heard of a small camper that came up for sale for a really great price. She decided to buy it for a place to write. 

 Our home can be quite hectic and busy and not all that conducive for a place for her to write. If you've read her books, you know that they are very good! But they also take a lot of time. I'm so proud of her for letting her light shine for Jesus and using her talents for Him! She told us she's just not quite ready to move out yet and that's perfectly fine with us! But she and we have recognized that she needs a little more space for her. 

So she has had fun painting and putting her touches to this camper. She still has a little ways to go before it's done but it is amazing and awesome to watch God provide!