
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tea Party in Ocala

At our meeting in Ocala they had a men's night and a ladies night. I spoke at the ladies night and I enjoyed it so much. It was a blessing to share the burden my family has for the wonderful people of St. Barths. On Men's night me and my girls decided we would have a tea party. We love tea parties!! We had Earl Grey Tea-Beth's favorite! The other picture is of my Apple Pie I made for Wednesday. For those of you that don't know, my goal is to be a pie baker. I think my family is enjoying all of my trial runs!


  1. Looks like you were having so much fun. Wish I could've been there...I love tea parties.
    Love, Grandma

    Kami, you are a fantastic pie baker...mmmmmm

    Love, MOM

  2. i love that you are determined to become a great pie baker! i have great goals to become an all around great dessert maker :) since that's my favorite thing to eat! your pie looks amazing! goodluck
