
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Homeschool Picnic

My sister Tabitha has been meeting with homeschoolers in our church every other week for a picnic. Since we were in town we were invited to go. We had a blast! The kids enjoyed playing with all of the other kids. It was so neat how the older ones involved the younger ones. Josh loved it when they picked teams and played kickball, but his absolute favorite was when they played tackle football. He loves to be rough and play hard, so this was his kind of thing! The girls made sandcastles and decorated them with shells and branches. The ladies just talked and talked. I'm so thankful our church homeschoolers are getting together like this. We definitely enjoyed it! The kids are already begging to go to the next one. If we're in town, we'll be there! Thanks for the invite Tab, we had a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all were having a great time. Wish I could go too.
