
Monday, April 14, 2008

A Man After God's Own Heart

I had a blessing in my Bible time this morning, so I thought I would share. Have you ever thought about what God meant when He said that David is a man after God's own heart. There are so many ways, but the Lord really showed me another way this morning. I was reading in 1Samuel 24 and I came to the portion in scripture that talks about when David had an oppurtunity to kill Saul. You know, the man that was after David to hurt him, kill him, do whatever evil he could to him. David was in the inner portion of the cave when Saul came in with his men not knowing David was in the cave. When Saul and his men rested, David's men said that this was David's oppurtunity. David was so wise! He could have acted in the flesh and gotten revenge. I love verse 6 and the end of 10. David had such a respect for the authority in his life even though that authority was doing him wrong.
I have a small outline from a sermon I heard on this passage that I wrote in my Bible. It says...
1. Expect to be mistreated at sometime
2. Anticipate feelings of revenge
3. Resist those feelings
4. Refuse to fight in the flesh
5. Forgive! Only with God's help is this possible.
Romans 12:17-21
If you think about it, this is such a picture of God's forgiveness. God has every right to take revenge on us, to turn His back on us, and send us right to Hell! But in His mercy and grace He's chosen to forgive us. I'm so thankful our God is like that!

1 comment:

  1. you have such wisdom in the Lord. i'm proud to have you as my cousin! it's hard to find such strength and belief in this crazy world we live in. thanks for your thoughts!
