
Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Five Smiles

My Sister, Tabitha, posted a challenge on her blog. You're supposed to post five random things that make you smile. It was hard to limit to five. But, here are five of mine... This is Patrick and his brother Marc putting in a new microwave for their Mom. It's so fun to watch these two together. In some ways they are so much alike and some ways so different. They finally got the microwave installed and it works great.
This is my beautiful children reading their Bibles. I'm so proud of them. Every morning they read in their Bible. All of them have a Bible schedule and they're so faithful and a good example to me.
These are three of my yard sale finds. I love going yard saling! Me, Mom, Beth, and Brenna went. I found this Coldwater Creek skirt. It had 2 rips, but it took no time to fix. I also bought the 3 tiered platter that will be perfect for tea parties. Then, we found this cute baby hat for a quarter. Who knows if our baby is a boy or a girl, but I just had to buy this hat, it was adorable.
For my birthday Mom took me to paint misbehavin'. I picked out this plate to paint. When Josh was little I read in a book about having an I'm Special plate. I was so excited to finally make one. This plate will be reserved for dinner times for a "special" person to eat on. It may be when they get a good grade on a test, schedule a bunch of meetings, just anything that is special. It might be pulled out every month, who knows? The only rule is if they ask to use the plate that night, then they won't. Momma decides. So, be looking for a "I'm Special" post soon.

This one really makes me smile...a set table. My children (even more my girls lately) are such a big help at dinner time. They set the table beautifully, they chop vegtables (their favorite is garlic) stir everything, take things out of the oven. You name it, they're great in the kitchen! It's my dream come true, me and my girls workign together in the kitchen.
Thanks for the challenge Tab, this was fun!


  1. Love your 5 things. It's amazing how special everything is when you stop and take a look around. Praise God. I think I need to start a blog. What I'd really like is an on-line journal.
    Love MOM

  2. love your 5 things....i really need to do that! i especially loved the one about the "set table"! i long for the days when my kids can help in the kitchen (well, shane "helps" now :) as for your hummus comment....definately a staple in our house! i tried to make it once.... disaster! much better store bought! best brand by far is "sabra"....not so easy to find though. maybe i'll try to make it myself again :)
