
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dinner with the Klinck's

Taylin and Randy and Logan and Chloe invited us over for Pizza and Dutch Blitz. It was our last night in town, so time went very fast. There always seems to be too much to accomplish in those days before we leave. We had an excellent time. They bought Little Ceasers. Randy seems very passionate about their pizza! Josh fell in love with their crazy bread. Then we had our Dutch Blitz tournament. I hate to say it, but Randy won. How did tha happen? Taylin showed me a bunch of baby things she's planning on giving to me. Me and the girls got so excited looking at everything!! Thanks Randy and Tay, we sure had fun! Next time we see you Chloe could be walking, can you believe it?


  1. Sounds like you all had a great time. When you come to town next time lets plan a family game night. We could have several tables set up and different groups play all the games with each game different people. We'll have to think up some other games for it....Dutch Blitz, Blokus, what are some other fast ones too.

  2. Oh, we had a Blitz night the other night. We have a newer family in the church that you would really like. It was just girls, pizza, brownies, ice cream and dutch blitz!! I won, but Christy gave me some great competition.

