
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jekyll Island

One of the many great things about deputation is being able to make stops along the way. We decided before we began we would try and make this memorable and fun for the kids. The truth is, Patrick and I are having the time of our lives, too. Since we had a spare day before heading to South Carolina we spent a couple of hours at Jekyll Island in Georgia. It reminded us a little of Sanibel, but smaller. It's almost about the size of St. Barths. We had such a great time and have decided we HAVE to go back. There are so many things we didn't get to do like, renting the family size bikes, breakfast picnic to watch the sunrise, and the historical tour. They have a really neat historical aspect to the island with a little "train" to ride and historical town. It looked really neat.
We got to the beach around 8. It was the perfect time...nobody was there! The kids lined up to race to the water.
I loved seeing their footprints behind them.

Patrick wrote our names in the sand. I'm so glad that after 13 (almost 14) years we're still so in love.
Put Jekyll Island on your list of things to do...we loved it!


  1. Great pictures! It seems like you all are really enjoying all the little spots along the deputation trail. Thank you for sharing all of your experiences with us!

    Kelly Driskell

  2. Ahhh....thats so sweet of Patrick. I would love to go to this Island. Sounds like a little historic village. Maybe someday.
    Love, MOM
