
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fall Goals

Okay, here goes my Fall Goals. One of my goals is to not have too many goals.. Ha! Is that possible? My goals need to be completed by November 10th. That's when I'm going to wrap up my motorhome adventure (it's actually kind of sad) and head south to have the baby. I won't be leaving for another week after that, but I want to have plenty of "free-time" with my family.

#1. Play more with my kids. During the school year it's easy to get into a rut and have so much to do that I don't make time to play what they want to play. My goal is to do that more.

#2. Finish a baby girl quilt

#3. Finish a baby boy quilt.

#4. Start the main quilt for the baby nursery, which is going to be a white hand-quilted quilt. I've never hand quilted before, so I'm excited to learn how!

#5. Memorize John chapter 1 as a family.

#6. Finish Proverbs study on the tongue

#7. Keep walking! 5x a week is my goal.

#8. Each child to have a meal they can completely do themselves start to finish. This will come in handy when I have the baby!

#9. Complete French units 1-3

#10. Write to family member or friend once a week. (regular mail, not email)

Okay, now it's time to post your goals (you too, Patrick! :)


  1. Good Goals, I hope you accomplish them all. I haven't made my list yet. Are you memorizing
    John 1 or First John??

    Have a great day.
    Love and miss you,
    Love, MOM

  2. I'll have to try to remember to do this, when we get home from our 2+ week vacation...we DROVE from CO to Iowa to Florida...and spent a week at first goal would be to recover from this trip, but I have to start a new job at our church when we get back! I've prayed for you and the baby...glad you're having him in Florida, with your family (not that I know the sex, just guessing)! :) Blessings, andrea
