
Friday, August 1, 2008

My Michigan Trip

The Lord unexpectadly provided for me to go to my Family Reunion in Michigan! I was so excited! We were able to find a last minute package that included a rental car with the plane ticket! I was so excited to have my own car! I jokingly told Brenna, "I would love to have a red car!" God is so good! They pointed out my car to me at Avis....and it was red! I had such a good time seeing my family and then my 2 sisters surprised us and came on Saturday night. All 4 sisters were together! It was so great! I was able to spend some one on one time with Mam-maw, Robin, and my Mom. It was such a great trip and went by way too fast. We made so many memories. Believe it or not, this was the only picture with my camera. I'm hoping my Mom will send me pics soon, and I'll post some. My flight situation was a little different on the way back. My flight was canceled and rescheduled to later, making my lay over very short. It was sort of cool that my pregnancy helped me get bumped up to the elite business class (not quite first class). I had amazing leg room and was in the front of the plane, so I could get off quicker to get to my next gate. Even with that help, they were still boarding when I finally arrived to gate B22(It was quite a walk)! We've already determined that my layover in November needs to be plenty long!


  1. I just checked out your blog from the link on Tab's blog! We will keep you in our prayers for your pregnancy and all of your travels. Why Canada? I hope you're doing well. So glad all 4 sisters were able to be in MI for the family reunion!


  2. Hi, what a GREAT surprize. I can't believe no one told me. We did have a great time didn't we. Theres just something extra special when my four daughters are together. ;-)
    Glad you were able to go to the reunion. Next year you'll be in the circle again with little Boone or Braley. :-)
    Love, MOM
