
Friday, September 26, 2008

Macedonia Annual Conference

We just posted an update on our family blog (there's a link to the right) about our annual conference with our mission board, but I thought I'd share a little more. We had a fantastic week!! It's so refreshing and encouraging to get together with other missionaries. It's neat how our kids also like to meet new missionary kids. Whether old or young, there's a common bond. Each day they started services at 10 am. They had singing, then missionary testimony time. All the missionaries were assigned a day to give an 8 minute update on their mission field, call to surrender and testimony, etc. There were many missionaries each day to give a testimony. Then we heard from veteran missionaries that are home on furlough. We love to hear how God is working on the field He has called them to. It was so encouraging! Then, we heard preaching from a different preacher everyday. Each Preacher did such an excellent job and was truly a blessing to the missionaries. Then we ate lunch that the church provided. Then, we had free time....which for our family is interepreted, School Time!! At 5:30 they provided dinner for us, and services began again at 7. In the evening they had more veteran testimonies, singing from visiting choirs, and then preaching. It was a busy week, but we're so glad we were able to go! There were mostly younger boys there this week (this is just a few of them) They all seemed to flock to Josh. One of them came up to Josh and said "I've missed you!" (Josh had seen him just an hour earlier!)

On Wednesday night they recognized the missionaries and presented them with plaques that have served 10, 20, and 25 years. There were two families there that have served over 30 years as missionaries. They made DVD presentation for them and gave them gifts. It was so moving and encouraging. On Thursday night Dr. Scott Caudill became the new president of Macedonia. Dr. Don Richards is on the right, He has been president for 26 years and has done such an amazing job. Dr. Caudill is on the left. Dr. Dave McCoy is directing the ceremony and meeting. He's the vice president of Macedonia and one of my favorite preachers...I think I posted about him in February!

For the "Changing of the Guard" service they had all of the Executive Board members kneel at the altar and pray with Dr. Richard, and Dr. Caudill. Then they had all of the missionaries present come and pray too.
We're so thankful to be a part of an organization that truly loves the Lord and wants to do His will. They stand on the Bible and their main goal is to reach others for Christ.
We ended the conference singing, "Christ is All I Need". Isn't that true! God is so good!!


  1. I am so glad you guys had a great conference! 30 years of service!?!? Wow what a testimony of faith and service. Imagine the stories they have to tell. Kids always seem to flock to your kids. Especially Josh. Logan still talks about him when we look at pictures. We love and miss you guys!

  2. What a fantastic picture of all the men praying on the alter. Would love to witness something like that. Glad you had a good time and were encouraged.

    Love you all,
    Love, MOM
