
Friday, October 17, 2008

Mr. Ashworth

I know I said this before, but I love Abeka! One of the things I love is that there is someone else, besides me and Patrick, reinforcing and backing up what we believe. Mr. Ashworth is Josh's Bible teacher and Josh really likes him. (His favorite is Mr. Dooby, his History teacher). Josh loves to tell us new stuff he's learning in Bible, and funny stories he tells. (Brenna has his wife for Bible, English, Spelling and Reading) Yesterday Josh was very impressed with what Mr. Ashworth said, so he wrote it on a piece of paper, gave it some color to make it look extra nice and taped it to the fridge. Here's what it said:

In order to find God's Will for you, do the best you can at everything you can do.
-Mr. Ashworth


  1. Great Idea!!! Josh, can you make up on for me?? I like to put sayings inside my bathroom mirror to read while I'm brushing my teeth to encourage me for the day. I would appreciate it if you could do that for me. Glad you're doing good in school.
    Love and miss you,
    Love, Grandma

  2. I meant ... make up ONE for me?

    Sorry, typo

  3. or maybe it was... make one for me? how's that??

  4. Granny, means she would like one.

  5. Sounds like a great teacher!
    Aunt Tabitha
