
Sunday, January 25, 2009

More Silas pictures

Both of our Moms were able to be there for Silas' birth. They were both so happy and supportive.
Big Sister Brenna. All of the children are doing so well with holding their new baby.

Beth was so proud of her brother.

Our midwife, Dawn, taking Silas' footprints.

All three of my sisters waited patiently for their new nephew to be born. They're so wonderful....I wonder who will have the next baby?

8 lbs 13 ounces. He didn't seem that big!

Josh cut the cord

Patrick showing off his new son. I love them look on all of their faces.

This is a little out of order, but this is when the kids first came in to see the baby.


  1. cute pictures!
    We need to see some current ones of him too!

  2. What a night to remember. It was so exciting. It was hard to see you in so much pain. I also thought that you would deliver quickly but Silas decided differently. He wanted to be special. He sure is cute. Patrick did a wonderful job coaching except when you wanted Dawn to talk to you. :-) The kids were great too.
    Welcome Silas........if you need me to rock you, just have your Mom give me a call. :-)
    Love you all,
    Love, MOM/MIL/Grandma

  3. Silas is beautiful. Thanks for sharing his birth story. I loved reading it. Best Wishes to your family of six!!!!
