
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Quick Stop in Plattsburgh

We made a quick stop in Plattsburgh, NY before crossing the border to Canada. We love going to Plattsburgh. It brings back so many memories because it's where we lived when we first got married. It was good to be in services at Bible Baptist Church and Patrick preached Sunday night. It's always so encouraging to visit with our friends Tom and Laura Green and their family. Laura has started doing parties as Pipsqueak the Clown a couple of years ago and is loving it! Her oldes 3 children are also involved and enjoying making extra money. They're starting to try something new in a couple of weeks...Princess Parties! They have so many excellent ideas. One of them is to dress up all the party goers as Princess's and then take their pictures. This is Brenna's picture and I love it! She had so much fun dressing up.

Lacey and Tommy do several "acts". This one was hilarious! I wish you could have seen it. We really enjoyed our time with the Greens and look forward for times together with them while we live in the North.

Of Course, we had to visit the remains of Plattsburgh Air Force Base where Patrick used to be stationed. His dorm room is still painted Orange and Blue!


  1. Love the picture of Brenna, How did they do that???
    Have fun.

    Love MOM

  2. Just reading thru your blog and I had to leave a comment on this post. Wasn't I there visiting when you guys where there? I know I've seen you and your family at some point in time. But I can't remember being there in May...that doesn't mean anything though!

    I can't believe you went to Patrick's old dorm room. I didn't even know you could do that.

    I'm glad you had fun with the Green's.
