
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lay aside every weight

There is one thing I think most Mothers have in common....we all Worry. Before I became a Mom I didn't realize how much of my thoughts and time would be devoted to my children. I'm always wondering "Should I put on a fan in their room? Did their covers come off of them at night? Was that sniffle a sign of a cold coming on? Are they getting enough fruits and vegetables? Are they reading their Bibles for me or for the Lord? Do they have enough play time? Am I teaching them proper work ethic?....I could go on and on and on! Lately I have been having a problem with worrying. I don't know if it's because my baby is growing up and starting to get mobile (I can never keep him on that blanket anymore!) Or if it's because my oldest baby has a couple more days before he'll be a teenager. (Last night tucking him in was a little emotional for me.) I want to be the best Mom in the world, yet at times I feel it's all I can do to have meals on the table and clean underwear. I get caught up in the day to day and forget about creating memorable times with my children. There's so much I want to teach them about! Things like...working hard, enjoy every second the Lord gives you, prefer one another, serve the Lord, you'll never regret it.....Am I teaching them these things? When I worry I don't seem to accomplish anything!
The Lord is so good to give me exactly what I need when I read His Word. This morning I was reading in Hebrews and I read Hebrews 12:1, "let us lay aside every weight". Worry (if I let it) can be a weight on my shoulders. A burden. Worry is a burden I shouldn't be carrying. I should lay it aside. When I worry I don't even accomplish the things I was worrying about it the first place!
Lord, please help me today to trust in you. Help me to know you're in control. I don't want worry to be my constant thought. I don't know why you would want them, but you want to take my burdens from me and carry them for me. You are such an amazing God! I want to trust know what's best for me. I love you, Lord!


  1. You are such a blessing. Taylin and I think you should write a devotional book. Or, would you like to be the guest speaker at our Ladies Retreat?? Don't when we'll have one....maybe I should plan one. :-)
    Love you, Thanks for the uplifting thoughts on motherhood. Love, MOM
    I know this is silly but the word verification is TRUSIT if you change it around a little it would be ... I TRUST. :-)

  2. Don't worry about you are doing a wonderful job. I never worried that much about you when you were a baby, and look how you turned out
    (remember the Blue Blanket} Love you DAD yes I know my name comes up yair.
