
Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Tour JEB's Fort

The other day Brenna asked if I would like a tour of Hers, Josh's and Beth's Fort that they have made. They love having their own yard and place to play. They've converted one of the trees in our front yard into their fort. So, here we go on our tour of their fort.....Welcome!
Can you see Brenna in there?

This is what they built to roast their meat and cook their meals. (if they had too)
They built this to keep all of their food and vegetables.

They have all kinds of sitting spots and also lots of defense mechanisms too. They have "cannons" hanging from lots of the branches in case they're invaded.

Since there are two girls that helped make this fort, they have a little bit of a girly touch. They always bring fresh flowers into their fort.

My thoughtful, sweet Brenna. She still loves to make me laugh and help me whenever she can. She's our most outgoing child and likes to talk and giggle.

She's also doing very well with her French and memorizing lots of verbs. Everyone said the language will come very easy for our kids, but we're all starting to realize it will take plenty of work for them too.

Brenna is also very artistic and creative. She loves to paint and do crafts. I would like for our family to memorize Ecclesiastes 9:10 in French and English so I had her make a poster to hang in our dining room yesterday. She accidently copied Eccl. 1:9-10. OOPPS. She's planning on making new poster for me today.

Tonight we're having a family meeting planning our "Summer Goals". We did this last summer and did a lot of fun things. I wonder what my Brenna will set for her goals? God has given me a very talented, fun, lovable daughter. I love to hear her talk and her new ideas. Thank you, Lord, for my baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenna, I LOVE YOUR FORT!!! I can't wait to visit. What are you going to make me in the fire pit when we have our picnic in the Fort? Have you named it?? I sure do love you and I miss you too.

    Love Grandma
