
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday, Brenna!

'When I tucked Brenna in on Sunday night she told me these words, "Momma, don't be sad that I'm going to be double digits tomorrow." Double Digits,Wow! I'm very proud of my Brenna. She is a very caring and fun young lady. One word to describe Brenna is "bubbly". She is always a lot of fun and makes me laugh. She also has a servant's heart and is ready to help me throughout the day. I love it that she has a personal relationship with the Lord. One of the prayer requests in her prayer journal is that she would be able to lead someone to the Lord. What a great prayer request. She wants to be used for the Lord. These are a couple of the pictures we took a few days before her birthday.

She asked if I could make her a turtle cake (again) this year. For some reason the M & M's ran. Brenna said they looked like veins.

Brenna received a lot of neat gifts. One thing was her new fish tank. It's the perfect size for hers and Beth's room. Josh bought her some guppys for her tank.

We invited the Roys to come over for her birthday and help us celebrate. We walked on the walking trail by our house. Brenna has made very good friends with Cami Roy. She's so thankful for a new friend.

We stopped at a field to play some baseball (Brenna's favorite sport) She's a very good hitter!

Then, it turned rainy and cold. It was in the 50's with a very cold wind. Can you believe we're still wearing jackets in July!! It was a great day and Brenna had a lot of fun. Happy Birthday, Brenna, WE love you!!

1 comment:

    Looks like you all were having a GREAT time. Wish I could've been there.
    Love and miss you,
    Love, Grandma
