
Monday, August 17, 2009

10 things

My sister Taylin posted a thought provoking question on her blog Katchin' Up With the Klincks: Funky Nightmares

Her queston was "If I could only grab 10 things out of my house what would they be?"

This was hard. I began thinking of so many things I would like to grab. I wrote down a bunch, but here are my 10:

Of course after my husband and children were out safely, I would grab

#1 My Bible. Taylin is so right. There's nothing like your own Bible. Sometimes I will try to find a certain verse and I can remember it being at a certain spot on a certain page (you know, on the right hand corner almost to the bottom? or something like that)

#2 My kids photo albums. They each have a photo album with pictures and memorabilia and letters I have written to them since I was expecting them.

#3 My Diamond. Right now it's hidden inside a ziplock. I'm going to get it put back in my ring someday, but until then, I'd have to grab it! I love the diamond, but I love even more what it stands for.

#4 Our Computer. We have so many pictures on here and addresses for our prayer much information! I hope Patrick is still backing it up regularly!

#5 My Strawberry Shortcake Blanket. Actually this is Taylin's blanket, but when I was in high school I started sleeping with it and I've claimed it. It was made by my Mam-maw and it's very comforting. When I am sick, I need this blanket, when I have a good cry, I need this blanket, even when I was in labor, I needed this blanket! I guess it's time to grow up now.(It's actually underneath my pillow on my bed right now. That's where it goes, you know)

#6 The basket weaved by my Grandma. It's on our end table in the Living Room holding all of our US coins. Grandma is so talented. If you'd see this basket you'd be so shocked a person weaved it. It's gorgeous!

#7 My kids quilts (I guess that's actually 4 things) that I made for them.

#8 My sewing Machine.

#9 My Camera. If I'm grabbing only 10 things, then I'd need to take pictures of why this is all happening! :o)

#10 My pearls. Patrick bought me my set of black pearls about 3 years ago. During our 15 years of marriage we didn't always have a ton of money. Sometimes it was pretty hard. At times we were truly praying for our daily bread. Patrick's always wanted to be able to buy me things. He's wanted to buy me things I don't necessarily need, but he wants to give them to me because he loves me. I've always wanted black pearls. When we surrendered to the mission field we had to sell our house. We were excited for becoming missionaries on the foreign field, but we loved our house. We had just finished decorating it just like we wanted it. When we sold it, the Lord let us make a little bit of money. That's when Patrick bought me the pearls. He told me that night that he's always wanted to shower me with gifts. I realized that night that although I loved the pearls so much, he had showed me his love through our marriage a million ways without having to buy me expensive gifts.

So, that's what I would grab...what about you?


  1. Wow! I think I need to put more thought into my 10 things. I want my blanket back! (I never knew it was mine in the first place!) I love the last one. He is a sweet romantic!

  2. I have always been jealous of the STrawberry shortcake blanket (in fact I am sure I tried to still it a couple of times!)

  3. Love your list of 10 things. It really makes you think doesn't it. I will have to make out my list and send it soon.

  4. I LOVE THIS LIST KAMI...makes me want to write one (and make my kids blankets and I'd like to see a picture of that blanket and the basket, please)! I'm going to read Taylin's list now!
