
Friday, August 28, 2009

La Garderie

Wednesday was my night in La Garderie (The Nursery) at church. Silas is the only baby in the church right now, so I love my time giving him attention and just playing with him. I realized that he has a favorite toy in the nursery. He loves the Little Tykes Piano. He plays and plays it, turns it around and plays it some more. Josh informed me that from the Sunday School room you can hear it. Whoops.

At home he likes to play our keyboard, too. He loves to pull himself up to it (It's on a stand) and press the keys. Just like all my other babies, he sits in my lap for part of my practice time on the piano. He loves to hit the keys (usually the ones I need :o) and play along with me. We have still been practicing our instruments as a family. Patrick and I are still working on the guitar (I have a small travel guitar for is so cute!) Josh is playing the mandolin, Beth the Banjo, and Brenna the Violin. It's tricky all of us playing together. Sometimes it feels like we're all on a different song! We almost have 2 songs ready to play in church. ("Unclouded Day" and "Are you Washed in the Blood of the Lamb") It's coming along! We love to sing and play music for the Lord. I'm so thankful He says to "Make a Joyful Noise!"


  1. Silas already has a musical ear. Congrats to the kids on their instruments. Remember when we went to the yard sale in FL and bought Josh's first mandolin? Miss y'all!

  2. I was going to ask "When is Silas going to play in church?" but I guess they've already heard them. :-) Remind me to tell you the story of Andrea at church.
    I love hearing you all play your instruments last week. I think it sounded perfect.
    Love and miss you,

  3. did you notice on my post that my happy face is on two lines. ha

  4. Kami
    What a great family picture at the top of your page! I'd love if I could get that in an email to print for my missionary album:)
