
Monday, September 21, 2009

Gorgeous Day!

Today has been busy, busy, busy. We've completed much, and still have much left to do. Of course, we had our shopping incident (read post before this), we did a day of school (JEB finished several paces and I graded their PACE test...all A's Yay!), some cleaning, laundry caught up, and music practice. Tonight starts the National Preacher's Conference of Canada. I am the piano player for this, so I've been practicing "O Canada". Part of me wants to give equal time to practicing "The Star Spangled Banner"! :o) It was nice this afternoon to spend a little bit of time outdoors between our busyness. I think after school and then a conference tonight, the kids need this time of fresh air! I called the weather number (Meteo) and they are calling for a high of 22 degrees Celsius today. Does anyone know what that is farenheit off the top of their head? We're learning the metric system pretty well...another step the Lord is preparing us for St. Barths! I heard there won't be too many days like this left, so I'm glad we got to enjoy it.

If you look good, you can see Silas's three teeth! The fourth is just about completely broke through.

I'm glad I had a chance to post these pics before we leave tonight. I know Mom, Dad, and Denise will like seeing the kids get fresh air. Growing up, my Mom was a BIG fan of fresh air...she made me go outside. I'm not so sure I always liked it then, but now I love being outside. My Dad is outside ALL day long working, so I know he's a fan of fresh air, too. Denise was asked the other day by a car passing, "Who does your lawn?" Of course, she does, and does such a terrific job. So, these pictures are for the Grandparents! We love you guys!
As I'm typing I hear showers running and people getting ready for tonight. I sure do love my family and the joy that they bring.


  1. I love the outdoor pictures and YES, I am so happy they are getting some fresh air. Are they playing in your backyard? The grass looks so nice and green. Thank you for posting the cute pix. Enjoy the time you have left playing outside in the fresh air.
    Love, MOM

  2. Love Silas smile. He looks so cute in his little overalls.
    Love the teeth picture too.

  3. Oh Kami, they are so happy. You are such a great Mom!! Your children are beautiful and we pray for your family daily. Hannah started crying when I read her y'alls police story. She said she would have been so scared if that was us. God is good to take such good care of y'all!!!!
