
Friday, September 11, 2009

My Silas is 8 Months

On September 6, Silas turned 8 months old. He's growing into such a fun little man. He makes all of us laugh and we all find ourselves watching his every move.
Here's a few of his latest that he does:
-He can stand all by himself. I think he's ready to walk anyday now. I know it's early, but he's so steady !
-He has a funny habit where he holds up his pointer finger and puts it by his cheek. I want to get a picture of this. It's pretty weird, but adorable.
-He is (still) eating very well. He likes everything we give him. We're trying to give him finger foods. He loves Baby Mums (It's a rice husk cracker) and his latest is bread. He's still not very good at feeding himself. He tries to put food in his mouth, but it usually goes to his lap. It's funny because once he misses, he chews anyway, with no food!
-He finally has the hang of his cup and loves when I add a little juice to his water.
-He loves bathtime!
-Says "Da-da" "Nay-Nay" (usually says this only when he is hungry) "Ba-Ba" and some unknown language where he puts his tongue in and out while he's making sounds.
-I think Silas believes when the Pastor is making announcements, he's actually just having a conversation with Silas. Silas is Very talkative and loud during announcements!

We're so thankful for our precious baby boy! Children truly are an heritage from the Lord! We pray everyday for Silas to accept the Lord as his Savior as soon as he understands, That is the most important decision he will ever make!
Silas, I'm so thankful for you, my little Mr. Boone. You bring me such joy and I love watching you grow up and try new things. You're growing so quickly, and time is going by so fast. I love my time with you and I'm cherishing every moment...Love, Momma


  1. Hey girl!! I've been following y'alls main blog for a while now. Didn't realize you had one of your own. Yippee!! Now I can keep in touch. Let me get to reading! Hope you have a blessed weekend.

  2. he is just too cute, Kami. Such a sparkle to him. Congrats on his long list of accomplishments :)

  3. He's growing so fast and so cute. Love the pictures. Can't wait to play with him. Love and miss you all, Love, MOM/Grandma
