
Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Brenna...A One of a Kind!

Brenna has a very unique personality...and sense of style. She's the type of girl who knows what she likes and sticks with it, and it may not always be what is "popular" for the day...she is definitely an individual! We've been trying to get all of our winter gear ready for the cold months ahead. It's been a blessing to find some good Friperie (thrift store) to get some good deals. The very first day, Brenna spotted a fur coat and now has been dreaming to have one. I don't think Patrick is all that crazy about our little girl wearing a Fur Coat.

So, when we were at the Friperie the other day, Patrick spotted this fur scarf. Without Brenna knowing, he bought it for her. He told me this would for sure satisfy her desire for a fur coat! She was so excited when he showed her what he bought for her. She loves it! She's been wearing it all over the house (look at last weeks family fun night pictures). Beth and I have not been all that excited to find little furry hairs all over the house from her scarf! Ugh!

Well, Patrick's plan, unfortunately didn't work. Brenna hung a list in her room, that for Christmas she just HAS TO HAVE a Fur Coat and Fur Hat to match her new scarf! Oh Boy!


  1. Had to giggle over a dad thinking a little fur would satisfy the craving for a bigger fur! LOL My husband and 2 boys just roll their eyes over my daughter and me. Our younger son, 18, **thinks** he has females figured out, but we'll see how that goes in the coming years! :)

    Do you think she'll get the fur coat and hat?

  2. Hi Brenna, love the scarf!!! You look soooo cute. But it kinda looks like a furry snake to me.
    :-) Hope you get your fur coat.
    Love you,
    Love, Grandma
