
Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend! On Saturday a couple of ladies from the church invited us over for some more Quebec food. It was delicious! We had Quebec pizza and Italienne Poutine. Poutine is french fries with a gravy on top, or in this case spaghetti sauce, and then on top of that you put cheese curds that squeak. Then, for dessert, they heard Patrick likes Oreos, so they made him an oreo dessert. Wow! It was good!

Silas even had his fair share of Oreo Dessert!

Then, we walked to the park by their house. It was such a gorgeous day! Il fait beau! We realized this was Silas's first time to go down a slide! He loved it and I think JEB loved it just as much to be able to take him down!

We were trying for a cool picture of the four of them on the slide...that didn't exactly happen!

We had excellent service in church on Sunday. Then after church Sunday night we invited people from church to go with us to Casse Croute. It's an ice cream place with lots of extra stuff. Guess what we got...(besides ice cream)....?....POUTINE!! We love the stuff! Come visit us and we'll give you a good sampling of true Quebec food. We're learning, but we love it!


  1. MMMMM!!! Cake looks delicious. That was really nice of the ladies. Glad the church went with you to get ice cream.
    Another first for Silas going down the slide. Have fun.

  2. I am with your mom, that cake looks yum!!

    Have you had fries and vinegar? When I went to Ontario that was a big thing to eat there. Roadside vendors sold homemade (homecut too, with skins) fries and then you put salt and vinegar on them...loved it!

    I really like the pic of silas with Brenna. A great one of him!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! We've had poutine over here, but we like just the fries and gravy without the "squeaky cheese." ;) Being from the south, brown gravy over fries appealed to us, of course. We would eat brown gravy on just about anything! LOL
