
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Random Thoughts

My sister, Taylin, had been doing a Random Thoughts Thursday on her blog. It's always so interesting to hear things that are happening "randomly." Well, it's not Thursday, but I thought I'd post a few "random happenings."
~Friday Night's Family Fun Night was another success! We had an All-American Meal of Hamburgers and French Fries. OOHHH I love that meal! Then, we voted to make Key Lime Cheesecake for our dessert. It was pretty good, but this is the second cheesecake I've made here and we've noticed the cream cheese is different here. I think they add salt to it or something. For the week during our devotion time we all had been reading in the book of Acts. Patrick challenged us to keep a list while we read of everytime we notice anything to do with missions. It was so interesting to see the children pick things out. Everyone's list was different. I'm so thankful my children have a heart to read God's Word. Then, we played the game O-Shaw...I lost :o( Brenna won
~1st Trimester Pregnancy feelings are definitely kicking in. I have been pretty tired lately and Silas's afternoon naptime has become my naptime, too! Slight queasiness has started happening too. I thought for sure, I wouldn't be able to eat dinner tonight. We tried Caribou for the first time. When I took it out of the package, I thought, Oh dear...I don't like the smell of this. But, I cooked it in the rotisserie with salt, pepper, and garlic and it was oh so good! I wouldn't mind having some more of it! Who would have thought? Caribou!!??!!
~This morning when we woke up it was 35 degrees. Can you believe it? Wow! The leaves are looking gorgeous and I love this time of year! It's my favorite. What about you? What's your favorite season?
So, here's my random thoughts and random happenings for the past few days!

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