
Friday, October 23, 2009

Half Way to Nova Scotia

Yesterday we left early for our upcoming Missions Conference in Nova Scotia. We woke up to snow! Yay! We stopped in Jackman, Maine for Silas's 9 month check-up and shots. He now weighs 19 pounds and 8 ounces. He really likes our doctor, Dr. Doyle. We're still watching his eye, he's had a clogged tear duct ever since he was born. We've been doing all of the massaging and warm cloths, but as of yet there is no change. Doctor Doyle says if he still has the problem at his one year check-up then he will be referred to a Pediatric Opthamologist for a minor surgery. Please pray this will clear up on its' own.
We made it St. Johns, Nova Scotia. It's funny because we don't know french yet, but we found ourselves saying Saint John with a french accent!
Please pray for us this week for the Friday-Saturday-Sunday meeting in Sackville, Nova Scotia. Especially pray for me, I will be giving a 15 minute testimony at the banquet Saturday night about my call to the mission field. Of course I'm nervous, but I love to share with others how good the Lord has been to me and the exciting place God has called us to.
Patrick posted some pictures on our family blog of our drive yesterday with the colors and snow
Don't know when I'll have internet next, so until next time...


  1. Love the pics Patrick posted. I got to see some great colors when I took Connie back toward Missouri. Isn't it a beautiful world the Lord has given us? Hope y'all have a great conference :)

  2. I love to hear missionary wives' testimonies of how the Lord called them, because I believe with all my heart that the wife is called just as much as the husband. I'd love to hear yours!

  3. You will do fine! You are such a talented speaker. I can't believe Silas is 19 lbs! He is such a little cutie! Miss you and praying for you!

  4. I absolutely love the pictures. Wish I could be there on your road trip. I am so glad Silas is doing so good. I will be praying that his tear duct will heal soon. Poor Guy. I've bee praying for him during this trip more because of being strapped in that car seat for soooo long. Make sure he stretches his little body.
    You are going to do fine Saturday night. I agree with Taylin, you are a very talented speaker. I am sure you will be an inspiration to all the ladies at the conference. Wish I could've heard Patrick preach tonight. I'm sure you remembered to get me a tape. I would like one of him preaching, your devotion and the kids singing and Silas babbling.
    Love you all, give the kids hugs for me.
    Love, MOM
