
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Niagara Falls, Ontario

We woke up early on Saturday and started the rest of our journey to Niagara Falls, Ontario. Here's Silas at a rest stop (he had a super poopy diaper.) When we arrived at our motel, the church had this nice gift basket for us. It was full of water and fruits, toys, soaps and lots and lots of goodies. There was also a note to welcome us to the conference. It's going to be a fun week!

We met the Pastor and some of the people from church at Swiss Chalet for dinner. They had very good chicken and everyone was so friendly. After dinner we decided to drive by Niagara Falls for a quick look at the falls. We had never seen them at night and they were absolutely gorgeous! Patrick said that we should be here alone because it's so romantic. How sweet! The pictures did not turn out clear at all, so this is the best of the bunch.

We've figured out how to let Silas have some playtime in a hotel room. Hotel rooms can be pretty icky, and although this one is very clean, I'm still a little paranoid. We brought an extra big blanket to put down between the beds and block off one end with a suitcase. He's had a good time playing with his toys and especially with empty water bottles.

Here is the church we are at for the week. We had great services yesterday and we presented our ministry last night. It was exciting for us to watch our DVD presentation again...the kids are so little! They sure have grown during deputation! We have a full schedule this week and we're looking forward to the meetings ahead!


  1. Mrs. Kami,
    Priscilla told me that she had found your blog recently so I've been really enjoying it the past few days. I can hardly believe how big the kids are, and reading Josh's blog he sounds so grown up. I really love all of it. We still miss y'all and I'll be praying for you.

    Janell Rogers

  2. enjoying the blog. Hope your trips continues to be great :)
