~He walks along holding onto the couch with one hand.
~Still puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!
~Waves Bye Bye
~Still has a clogged tear duct.
~Loves when I say "Shoo-Weeeee" when he has a dirty diaper.
~Loves loves loves to be with his brother and sisters. He thinks they're pretty funny.
~Is starting to understand the word "No" He either stops what he's doing, keep doing what he's doing, or laughs. HHHMMM!
~Waves Bye Bye at bedtime and says something that we think sounds like "Nite Nite"
~Gives kisses
~Hollers, or as Brenna calls it sings!
~Loves books, to eat and to be read to him.
~Gets so excited when I get the nursing cover out!
~Looks so adorable in his snow hat, gloves, coat, and all the layers!
~Loves to watch football with his Daddy.
~Thinks his Grandparents are celebraties and gets excited to see them on Skype.
~Makes lots of sound effects
~Is very vocal all through meals. It's almost like he's saying "Yum, mmm, mmmm" through the whole meal.
~Wants to be in bed by 7 and up before 6. That's not really working for me!
~Plays with an old cell phone and puts it up to his ear.
~Points the remote at the TV.
~Has a new scrunchy nose smile.
LOVE the pics of him and the updates of his advancements. Thanks for sharing!!