
Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Silas at 10 1/2 months

Oh boy! How Silas is growing up! He turned 10 months on November 6th and he seems to be doing more and more and getting into more and more! We received a package from my Mom and Dad of goodies for all of us. Silas got a few lined overalls that will be perfect for winter. Doesn't he just look so cute in these pictures! Here's a few happenings from my Silas for this month: ~He still takes one step, but does it more often now.
~He walks along holding onto the couch with one hand.
~Still puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!
~Waves Bye Bye
~Still has a clogged tear duct.
~Loves when I say "Shoo-Weeeee" when he has a dirty diaper.
~Loves loves loves to be with his brother and sisters. He thinks they're pretty funny.
~Is starting to understand the word "No" He either stops what he's doing, keep doing what he's doing, or laughs. HHHMMM!

~Waves Bye Bye at bedtime and says something that we think sounds like "Nite Nite"
~Gives kisses
~Hollers, or as Brenna calls it sings!
~Loves books, to eat and to be read to him.
~Gets so excited when I get the nursing cover out!
~Looks so adorable in his snow hat, gloves, coat, and all the layers!
~Loves to watch football with his Daddy.
~Thinks his Grandparents are celebraties and gets excited to see them on Skype.
~Likes things he's not supposed to touch more than toys.
~Makes lots of sound effects
~Is very vocal all through meals. It's almost like he's saying "Yum, mmm, mmmm" through the whole meal.
~Wants to be in bed by 7 and up before 6. That's not really working for me!
~Plays with an old cell phone and puts it up to his ear.
~Points the remote at the TV.
~Has a new scrunchy nose smile.

~He and I have developed our morning routine. He wakes up (too early). I nurse him, change him, then we go and turn on music to help wake everyone else up. I've taught him which button to push. Then, we listen for the music. When he hears it he sings "DAAAAAAAAA" So cute!

Oh My Silas, you are growing up! You are so much work and so much fun. We all love to be with you and watch all the new things you are doing. I pray everyday for you to accept Christ as your Savior as soon as you understand your need of him. I sure do love you!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pics of him and the updates of his advancements. Thanks for sharing!!
