
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

My Friend Susan from posted this and I thought it was neat, so I'm giving it a try! Enjoy!

Joining the Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

Outside my window . . . Beautiful Sunny, Cold, Windy Day! We even put the kids washed quilts out on the line today. Il fait Beau!!

I am thinking . . . about French. It was a hard class today!

I am thankful for . . . my family, near and far.

I am wearing . . . black maternity skirt, blue shirt Brenna bought me and my black's cold, you know!

I am remembering . . . my Mom, and praying she feels 100% better soon, My Mom and Dad for their Annvisary today, and for two very special people's birthdays today, Grandma and William....Happy Birthday!

I am going . . . to run to the Post Office in a minute. My Mom and Dad sent us a package and it finally came!!! Yipee! We have a notice that we're supposed to pick it up.

I am reading . . . in the book of James.

I am hoping . . . and praying to be able to take a quick trip home sometime soon. I want my family to see how Silas has grown!

On my mind . . . learning French

Noticing that . . .I need to go clean my bedroom, it's a wreck!

Pondering these words . . . "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" James 1:19. I am wanting to remember that with my 4 blessings. I remember growing up when Mom would tuck us in that we would love to sit and talk and talk with her while she tucked us in. I want that with my kiddos. I want them to really want to talk with me, so for that I need to listen, listen, listen!

From the kitchen . . . we're making Fajitas for dinner!! In fact Patrick's cutting up all the veggies now. I'm trying to talk him into not eating before 5!

Around the house . . . Have I mentioned my bedroom?

One of my favorite things . . . Hot Chocolate...I think I'm having a craving. Also, chilly sheets to climb into with a down comforter to cover you.

From my picture journal . . .I actually posted the pictures at the top. The first is of my smiley little guy. He's become quite active and loves to touch EVERYTHING! The second picture is from our Missions Conference on Sunday. It's a view I don't normally see of me and Patrick. I love it that his arm is lovingly around me!

So, that's some things about my day! Hope yours was fantastic, too!


  1. this is sweet!! Hope you have a great day!

  2. Hey, did you know there's a whole bunch of these that ladies do every week? Go to every Monday morning and there's a Mr. Linky set up so that you can add your post and have everyone come by and see you. It's fun, and a way to meet new people and attract more traffic to your blog!
