
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Americana Family Fun Night

Is your family loving watching the Winter Olympics like ours is? We've had a great time watching and cheering for America. (Although we get so much coverage on Canada, that we're enjoying watching them compete, too!) We've watched a lot of skiing and curling. Sunday night after church USA will play Canada in Men's Hockey, so we're looking forward to watching that game! We decided to have an "Americana" theme for our Family Fun Night on Friday. I started by making a good 'ole American Apple Pie! (Actually, my purpose was two-fold for making the Apple Pie. One of my gifts for Christmas, from my parents, is for me to make a photobook as a cookbook and my parents will have it printed for me. They know I love to cook and so the instructions said to include all of our family favorites into my "cookbook." The cover was to be a picture of me holding one of my Apple Pies. So, Friday afternoon we had a photo shoot! We set the timer and took a lot of pictures of us with our apple pie. It's hard trying to get that perfect picture that has 6 people in it! This is the picture we picked for our cover and I love it! My Mom ordered my book last night and it will come in two weeks. I can't wait! What a cool gift!)
Then, we had Hamburgers, Fries, lots of Ketchup and Pepsi! (There was actually some question as to whether we should have Coke or Pepsi, but we decided on Pepsi!) I told everyone while we were around the table preparing our burgers that we should sing the national anthem. It was actually kind of funny because it sounded more like "O say can you see? Can you please pass the mayo? By the dawn's early light. I need some ketchup please, What so proudly we hail, Can you cut Silas's burger, At the twilight's last gleaming....." We had a lot of fun! Then, we watched the Olympics.


  1. great idea and the pie looks fantastic! Cute picture, but Silas has a little rebel in him you know? He was not looking at the pie :) I love Beth's expression most (surprise!) because it doesn't at all look acted. I think she is that excited :) What a great gift!

  2. Love the last picture of you and Patrick it is so sweet. Especially the look on his face. Your's is my favorite blog to read!!!
