
Monday, February 22, 2010

Why didn't I know?

Between Sunday School and Church I heard a conversation sort of like this:
Elisabeth: There's no way any of you could have seen that!
Brenna: Beth, we all could see it! Were you just trying not to use your french?
Elisabeth: No, I couldn't see those words! How could you read that?
Brenna: Beth! You really couldn't see it?
I asked them what they were talking about and they told me Madame Roy had called on Beth to read something on the wall. She couldn't read it! I asked her about it and she said she just couldn't see it. So, I took her into the SS room and had her read stuff on the wall. I was shocked! She really couldn't see things that should be easy for her to read. I told Patrick about it and we realized she must need glasses. We decided to go check out a couple of malls today....we're getting Cabin Fever!!! And we saw an eyeglass shop. They had some good prices and could squeeze Beth in, so we made an appt. The optometrist was shocked. At first she didn't think Beth could read. She kept asking, "Are you sure you can't see those letters?" Beth did great reading up close, no problem there! But, when the exam was done the Optometrist looked at me and said, "Your daughter needs glasses very badly" I felt terrible! I looked at the prescription and realized her eyes are worse than mine! She picked out some cute frames and is so amazed at how well she can see. She said she never realized before that things were blurry. She just thought stuff looked like that from far away! She said without her glasses it's like looking through a foggy window.
Bless my baby girl's heart! Where've I been? And why didn't I know? Brenna is sort of taking all of the credit for figuring out Beth's eye problem. Thanks, Brenna!

Being a glasses wearer, I am so thankful that now Elisabeth can see well. And doesn't she look so adorable!


  1. She is very cute in her glasses! And don't feel too bad about not knowing. She thought it was normal for things to be blurry. My Beth is 17, and I had to take her to the doctor recently for some problems she'd been having. As the doctor was asking her questions, I was learning all kinds of things. Boy was I embarrassed! At one point the doctor looked at me with a look on his face that clearly said, "Mom, why aren't you paying better attention to your daughter?" And my daughter is old enough to tell me all this stuff! She said later that she just didn't think any of it was important, so she didn't say anything. So . . . don't feel too bad! LOL

  2. she looks adorable. I was 14 when I got mine and mom felt the same way as you do... "how did I not know?" That is one thing about homeschooling tho, we can always see the board (a big indicator for the average kid!). I remember when I got my first pair of glasses. We were in West Virginia and I stepped out of the Wal-mart SuperCenter and said, "There are trees on those mountains". It was amazing to me!

  3. Bless her heart. I know exactly how she felt. I was 9 when I got glasses, and I can remember feeling amazed at how much I could see. My parents only figured it out because I had to squint at every thing. They're so cute on her!!!
