
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

32 weeks!

We are officially 32 weeks pregnant! Wow! It seeems we were just telling the children that they would be getting a new brother or sister! My appointment at the midwife went very well and my next appt. is with my alternate midwife in three weeks. Then, we'll have an appt. one week later for a home visit. That's when the midwife will come to my home and be familiar with the drive and our home so she'll be prepared for birth time. We're so excited about having a homebirth! We've had homebirths with our two girls...I wonder if this means we're having another girl? :o)

I'm showing all of the normal signs of being 32 weeks along....lots of potty breaks, feeling enormous, and super hungry! I've never been a cereal type of girl. Even growing up, when it was my turn to pick cereal at the store, I would pick the cereal according to the toy, not the taste. I never ate it anyway! Well, now I've been transformed! Everynight around 8 I have a bowl of cereal. My favorites are blueberry mini-wheats, or raisin bran with almonds. So delicious!

My Josh is also showing lots of signs of being a growing teenage boy. He eats ALL THE TIME!! The other night he said he was starving, could he please have a snack. He found leftover banana cinnamon pancakes in the fridge in a ziplock. He heated them all up and ate them all up, too! My boy is growing along with his appetite!


  1. That's a pretty big mouth full. :-)

  2. You are one hot Mama! I can't believe you are already 32 weeks?!?!?
    Tell Josh not to grow up soo fast!

  3. wow!! Miss you all. Bring Josh by and we will fill him up :)
