
Saturday, March 6, 2010

A little more time in the snow

Well, we've been told we haven't really experienced winter, it's more like a spring, here in Quebec. We've had a few days of super cold, but not nearly as many as they're used to and not nearly as much snow. Last year in the month of march they had 5 feet of snow. This march 0. Madame Claire is praying that there will be no more snow for this season....we'll see! We've really enjoyed the snow, but now we're ready for spring. As we took a walk the other night (yay! there was finally no ice on the road!) Brenna told us that when they (J E B) go to the "valley" (it's a place near our house that is a huge hill near a river. We've let the kids walk there a few times to go sledding) that Josh is always asking the girls, "Are you cold?" "Put your scarf on!" "Put your scarf around your face if your face is cold" "Did you remember your gloves?" Brenna said Josh always wants to make sure they're warm enough. What a sweetie. Josh says he's ready for basketball and ready to be outside without so much extra stuff on.
When Beth was little and we lived in Carthage, Missouri, Beth hated the snow. We have a cute picture of her when she was two with a snowball on her head. She has the saddest look on her face. This winter she has loved the snow and has loved sledding. She's not crazy about scarves, though, and at times I would have to force her to wear one. She's got a lot of endurance when it comes to the cold. She said that the most thing she's excited about for spring is that she won't be cold anymore!

Brenna has become an expert snow fort maker. Her and Josh have dug a huge hole and both of them climbed in it. Then, they made a trench and all three of them got into it and put the sled over them to protect them from the wind. They played that they had to live outside and had to survive. They played outside for about 3 hours that day and it was only 20 degrees. Brenna said she can't wait to play outside with her coat off!

Silas is a little like my Beth. He loves loves loves to be outside, but doesn't really like the snow. He went out to play with JEB and wouldn't touch the snow. He was like that this past Fall with the leaves and the grass....we'll see this summer! He still touches tires a lot....thanks to my Dad!

Well, spring is probably on the way, and we are glad. We're thankful we were able to experience a great winter with lots of winter fun, but we are definetly Florida/West Indies people.
The thing about spring/summer that I'm most excited about is to be able to sit outside on our back porch with some sweet iced tea. I want to hear the children run around and play and giggle (they've done some of that this winter, but it's kind of hard to run in the snow) I'm ready for picnics and long walks....spring are you coming???


  1. these pics are adorable!!! snow looks so fun right now, but our weather has been so great i'll forget about the fact that i haven't played in the snow in YEARS!!! enjoy it cuz spring is coming!!!

  2. Have FUN in the snow while you can. Love the pictures.
