
Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Elisabeth~~~12 Years Old

Tomorrow is my Elisabeth's 12th birthday. Yesterday we went for a walk in the park to take some pictures of her for her birthday. She's such a beautiful young lady on the inside and the outside, too.
Beth is a cheery, diligent young lady. She loves to help me and be by my side throughout the day. Today, I am making her cake and she wants to help me. Are you supposed to help make your own birthday cake?
This year Beth has really grown up. She's very talented and has an amazing prayer list. She loves anything to do with horses. And has started learning how to embroider, too. She's an excellent cook and helps take great care of her brother. I'm so blessed to have such a special young lady for my daughter!

Tonight we have something special to do for her birthday and I think she will really enjoy it. We have to do things a little different here in Canada for money reasons and availability. It has kind of made us enjoy the little things even more. I think tonight will be special for her....I'll post about it in the next day or two!

Happy Birthday, my Elisabeth. I love you!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Beth! She is a beautiful young lady, and she sounds like she's as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside! :) I hope she has a wonderful, memorable birthday, and I can't wait to see what her surprise is.

  2. aww, I love these pictures :) Happy Birthday to Beth. I love her so and miss her being a little girl riding in my car saying "Go, Go, Go" at the green lights and "STOP!" at the red. Happy Birthday, Elisabeth!

  3. She is so beautiful; looks just like you!!!! :-) She looks so much more mature and grown up with the glasses. I love reading about your kids. Great pictures!!!!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISABETH! I can't believe you are already 12 years old. You're growing up so fast.
    You look so beautiful and I love the pictures. Send me a bunch of those.
    Love and miss you,
    Have a great Birthday.
    Love, Grandma
