
Monday, March 8, 2010

Sourdough Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? Everyone needs to learn something new, right? Well, this week I am attempting something new....Sourdough bread! MMMM! My only experiece baking with a starter is when I first got married my friend Gail Randall gave me a sweet starter. It's a little different than sourdough. We loved the delicious sweet bread and when I moved from NY I had to throw it out. Yesterday in the van Josh was talking about how he likes sourdough bread. So, I decided, if my boy likes it...I'm going to try and make it for him!
So, is anyone up for the challenge? Sure you are! I found a great starter in my Wooden Spoon Cookbook and it looks pretty easy. You probably have most of the ingredients in your cabinet already anyway. I'll post the instructions as we go. Who knows, it may flop and taste horrible, or we all may become sourdough bakers!! So, here's the first step that I did last night. In a glass or ceramic type bowl combine:
2 cups of warm water
1 packet yeast (they usually come in three, just cut one off and dump on of the packets in. Save the rest for later!)
1 Tablespoon of sugar
2 cups of all-purpose flour (Not self-rising!)

Mix well. Then, cover loosely with a clean cloth. Set it out on your counter and stir several times everyday. In two or three days the starter will smell smell sour and be ready to use. (Kind of gross if you think about it sitting there for a few days, but we won't think about that part)
So, get it going!!
For the next step (in 2-3 days) you will also need:
1 more packet of yeast
1 more tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of oil
1 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of flour
We'll be making Shortcut Sourdough Bread. There are all kinds of sourdough recipes that I want to try. So many breads, pancakes, biscuits, scones and doughnuts. This is going to be so fun, so give it a try!
A note from my cookbook:
~If your starter turns orange or pink, throw it out.
~Same thing with mold
~Always use glass or crockery....never metal
~Same thing when stirring...a wooden spoon would be best
Happy Souring!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog :) I'm not sure I am going to take this challenge with you though but I can't wait to see how it turns out!!
