
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Sweet Dreams" The finished Baby Boy Quilt

I finished the baby boy quilt and I'm very happy with how it turned out! I tried some new things and it was a lot of fun! Since I was trying some new stuff on this quilt, I decided to make the design easy. I did a random patchwork quilt using 3 inch squares. Random meaning that I didn't do a set design.
I wanted to try and use one of my decorative stitches on my machine, so Patrick and I looked at all of them together and picked this one. I think it's so pretty. It did use up a lot of thread and it took a long time, though! I also decided to try and bind the quilt differently. Normally I just sew fold the back around to the front and sew it down. My Mom saw a tutorial on crazy mom quilts
and she now loves to do binding like this and said I had to try it! So, I did and now I don't know if I'll ever go back to the way I did it before. Thanks, Mom! It was fun piecing the different leftover pieces of fabric together. I think it gave it a super cute effect.

Then, I tried to do the name of the quilt appliqued on the back. This did take a lot of time. I saw the idea on
Moda Bake Shop: Baby Life Quilt
I think I'll try this again and make this the front of the quilt. Maybe.
So, baby Gimenez, we are ready for you whether you are a boy or a girl! Now, I need to sew some sheets for the baby bed. While we are at school Madame Claire is letting us use the cradle she used with her boys. How sweet! It's a little bit of an odd ball shape, so I think I'm going to make two sheets for the mattress pillowcase style. What do you think?

The crib in the pictures is actually Silas's crib. Don't you just love it? It was a gift from my parents before we moved to Canada. This crib will stay Silas's. It even converts into a toddler bed, then a day bed, or a twin...neato! I also love the drawer that goes under it.
For the baby...well, we're not sure. There is actually no room in our house for another crib! We'll be moving when the baby is 5 months old. Too old to stay in a cradle for that long. So, we're trying to decide what to do. We're going to start looking at the "Friperie" (thrift store) for a cradle to use the first couple of months. Then, after that, we might have the baby use the pack-n-play for its crib. Mine and Patrick's room is actually the one that's the largest with a little extra room, so we may have a roommate a little longer than our other babys have roomed with us. When we move to St. Barths, I will bring Silas's crib with us and well as one for the baby. So, it will only be cribless for a little while! That just means I'll have to hold my sweetbaby even longer!


  1. It's precious, Kami! I love its scrappiness, and the words on the back - so sweet. You've done a beautiful job!

  2. I love the babies quilt! You did a fantastic job. it a boy or girl?? I vote for one of each so you can use both quilts cause they are sooo adorable. I'm glad you tried the binding, I love doing it that way too. Can't wait to hold my new precious Grandchild #18. Pat your tummy and say "Grandma Loves You"
