
Monday, April 12, 2010

Another Day, Another List

My husband is so sweet. He's so sweet that he shared his stomach bug with me. Thanks, Babe. After sleeping more the past two days than I have in almost a week, I'm now back and ready to tackle life again. I'm so thankful Patrick, Josh, Beth and Brenna really stepped up to the plate and took care of Everything! This morning when I woke up my list was staring back at me. I'm a lot like my Mom. We have so much in common and have very similar personalities. We also both love to make lists! It's sort of a passion for us. Two weeks ago I created a list from now until May 2nd. It has everything on, french, spring cleaning, things to buy before baby comes, you name it, it's on there! Last Friday Patrick and I had a huge burst of energy! We deep cleaned and organized, he painted, glued, and caulked. We got so much accomplished! As I went to bed Friday night I crossed so many things off of my list. I was so excited for the next day and hoped it would be filled with baking, studying, quilting, and game playing with my family. Well, Saturday morning was when Patrick "shared" his bug with me. I went to bed and stayed there!

Today, I was able to accomplish a lot, without overdoing it. I'm still worn out! I'm so thankful for a family that helps out so much! We're so excited about our new baby coming-just 5 1/2 weeks until the due date! There's so much we want to accomplish, and fun "spring" things to do too! So, hopefully tomorrow will be a day of fun...and a day to cross out some of my list!

1 comment:

  1. glad you are feeling better. When you don't post I pray doubly hard for Baby Gimenez ;) I love to read your version of Friday and Patrick's version... very interesting :)

    love to you all!
