
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I love Easter Time! I love Sunrise services, Easter dresses, white gloves, coloring easter eggs, peeps, beautiful bonnets, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, Easter many things! But, most of all I love the meaning that Easter has...we serve a risen savior! Patrick and Pastor Roy went visiting last week and met a Muslim Man. They shared with him the good news of Christ. It's sad to think that someone serves someone who is no longer alive. I'm so thankful that Jesus Christ had power over death! How amazing is that! We had a great time celebrating Easter this year. We started with coloring our Easter Eggs. This egg has been a tradition since Easter 1993. When Patrick and I were dating I invited him over to color eggs with my family. We always had a great time coloring eggs and Dad always tricked us with a real egg. When Patrick came over I made a pink Easter Egg with Kami hearts Patrick on it. I've made that same egg every year since then.
All of my family really gets into coloring eggs. Patrick and Beth always makes one look like a watermelon, Brenna makes one that says "I love my family" and Joshua always leaves one white to represent the purity of Christ.
This is another one I always make. It's yellow with the Cross of Calvary.

This year I made a new dessert. I found the recipe on Family Fun. (I love all of the ideas on that site!) It's supposed to look like a cracked egg. It's actually sugar cookie with cool-whip and mango sherbert.
Today, we had services at church and then a meal together followed by the Lord's Supper. In french Easter is called Paque. We understood more and more french today and I'm so thankful that people are so patient with us as we try to speak. I was able to tell Madame Lucie (a very sweet lady at church) that my mom is going to come for a visit next month! Yay! She bought her ticket and will arrive May 14th. Madame Lucie was very happy for me and is excited to meet my Mom. I'm so glad I was able to share my good news and it was in French, too!

1 comment:

  1. Love you eggs. I remember the first time you and Patrick colored eggs together. Love the dessert really looks like a cracked egg. Good Job on all the Easter Eggs.
    Love, MOM/Grandma
