
Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Josh

Okay, I know this will be a big braggy post, but that's okay. I'm so proud of my son! He's so good to me and he's such a faithful Christian, too. My Josh is so good about tithing faithfully and giving money that he committed to give to missions. He knew his Nova Scotia trip was coming up and he was pretty broke so he started doing odd jobs around the house for me and Patrick and saving every little penny that came in. Then, his Grandpa and Grandma sent him some money for his trip, then his Aunt Keela and Uncle William did, too (Thanks, guys, you made his day!) He now had plenty of money for fun emergencies like Candy Bars and Sodas on his trip! But, the sweetie was thinking of me too. He knew I had my eye on a bench swing that was for sale in our neighborhood. He took Patrick aside a couple of days ago and told him he has given his tithe and missions, and has enough set aside for his trip, could he please spend the rest of his money for me on a bench swing for Mother's Day/Birthday. When he told me what he was going to do, my first reaction was "Thank you, dear, but, no) Sometimes it's hard to accept gifts from your children, especially when they worked hard for the money they have! Well, Josh insisted he wanted to buy this for me and Patrick told me how much of a giving heart he has and that I shouldn't squelch it.

So, we walked to the neighbors and bought our bench swing! Patrick and Josh carried it back for me.
Brenna was extremely excited because her patio project keeps getting better and better. She wanted chairs and the Lord provided them, now we have a swing! And they're all in green, her favorite color!

They had me try it out so they could put it at the exact height I want it to be.

I love it! So very much! I can see myself sitting out here a lot! (As soon as it warms up a little more, we had snow flurries again today!) I can see myself relaxing with some cool limeade watching the kids play, rocking the baby, reading my Bible, many things!

Thanks, Josh, I LOVE my gift! I know you gave it to me sacrificially, but with so much joy, too. I'm so blessed to have you for my son! God is so good to us, I love you!

Also, pray for Joshua, he leaves tomorrow morning for Nova Scotia......pray for me, too.


  1. Awww....he is sooo sweet. I knew my Grandson was special. He has such a giving heart. Praise the Lord for Josh.

  2. Way to go, Josh! And, I already thought you were awesome!

  3. Sweet boy! You are blessed, and God will bless him many times over for his giving heart. I've watched it happen with one of my boys, and there's nothing better than watching the Lord bless your childen!

  4. what a sweet boy you have. He takes after his mom :)
