
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Preparing for Baby

While Patrick and Josh helped the church move on Saturday, Elisabeth, Brenna and I had a full work day. We prepared for baby! I thought it was probably time to get ready! We prepared the baby's diaper basket and the girls were amazed at the size difference between Silas's diapers and the new baby's. Wow! How he has grown.

We got down all of the baby boxes (which are all boy stuff) and found things that are somewhat gender neutral. We washed and sorted and organized the basement, too. Then, the girls went through Silas's toys to prepare the baby its own toy bucket. We cleaned out two drawers for the baby's things.

Then, we washed down the baby tub, swing, and carseat. We were so busy and enjoyed preparing for baby! Today was our home visit with our midwife. We found out that our backup midwife had to be changed and our new one doesn't speak English :o( My midwife said to make sure we have a translator ready because I need to use the language I'm the most comfortable with during labor....I think that would be English :o) Things are moving right along and tomorrow we have 4 weeks until the due date!

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