
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Callie Grace~6 Weeks Old!

My Callie Grace turned 6 weeks old yesterday. Here's a few tidbits about my Callie Grace:
~Last night she slept 7 hours! Yipee!
~She had her 6 week checkup today and she weighs 9 pounds and 9 ounces. That's 2 lbs and 1 oz. gained! She also now is 22 1/4 inches tall
~She has a very tiny head. She's in the 10th percentile.
~She just started smiling for us, but she really makes us work for it!
~She is an excellent sleeper, but is starting to wake up more during the day.
~She is adored by all of her family!

(Love the cute shoes? They're from her Aunt Keela and Uncle William!)

1 comment:

  1. AWWW!!! She's so adorable....I wish I could hold her and rock her and make her smile. Love Love Love the pictures.
    Give her some hugs and kisses from Grandma. :-)
