
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

US Consolate Visit

Today was the day for us to visit the US Consolate to file Callie Grace's paperwork for US citizenship. Let me clarify something (this is how the lady at the consolate put it for us) Callie will always and forever be a Canadian. She's a Canadian by birth, and American by Blood. But, for her to have the American status we must fill out all the paperwork (Don't ya just love paperwork?) She will never have an American Birth Certificate. She will have an american passport, and a paper called a Consular Report for Birth Abroad.

It's amazing to think of all the possibilities God may have in store for our Callie Grace. Hopefully within 2 years we will also have her French Citizenship paperwork back. How many people do you know are tri-citizens. Pretty neat, huh?

As Patrick and I drove with Miss Callie to the Consolate (Thank you, Estelle, for watching our oldest 4!) we realized that we aren't quite as homesick as we once were. God is always preparing us for the next step in our lives, isn't He! Our first time to cross back into the states after arriving into Canada, (last October) we were very nostalgic. I cried when I saw the flag, Josh wrote a poem, and Patrick sang the National Anthem. We missed America. And, although we still love the USA and miss it dearly, we're more content with the place God has let us live. Canada has so many gorgeous parks. We have an amazing walking park right by our house. We live in a great neighborhood with a good neighbor and good landlord. We feel very safe. We actually really like the weather here. We've made some really good friends. We have an excellent professor that is a gift from God. We've made Quebec our home. What we didn't realize is that we would experience culture shock here. I mean, this is Canada! America's neighbor!!! Well, we did, and God let us experience it. Now, we pray that it will be slighty easier for us when culture shock hits us in St. Barths. We're one step closer to getting there!

We showed up at the consolate and went through security. It was just like at the airport. Then, the paperwork began. We left 2 hours later with all of the paperwork filled out. We should get a call in 6-8 weeks to be able to pick up the finished documents.

So, for now our Callie Grace is still 100% Canadian. But, not for long...I'm going to have a dual citizen daughter! Pretty neato, huh?

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to have a tri-citizen in the family! ;) I was shaking my head in understanding as you told how you don't feel quite as homesick anymore. The Lord does indeed prepare your heart for His will, and it's hard to explain. It's not hating America at all; it's just loving where God has placed you. I'm glad you've enjoyed Canada! :)
