
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our friends, The Khangi's

Ines Khangi has been wanting to come to our house all summer long. Everytime we schedule for them to come, something always happens, they have to cancel, or we do. Summer is coming to a fast end for the Khangis as their school begins September 1st. So we knew we needed to make this happen! I was so glad when everyhting worked out for Ines and Melissa to come to our home Tuesday. The girls had such a great time. Elisabeth and Brenna were a little nervous to use their french. I told them, just try your best. They did very well and it was so good for them. Melissa and Ines have recently moved here from Ivory Coast, Africa.
The girls had lots of fun things planned. They made bead bracelets, played volleyball, made homemade pizzas, played Wii, and went for a walk in our walking park. I'm so thankful the girls have made some good friends.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all had a good time. Tell the girls "Hi" for me. I know Elisabeth and Brenna did good communicating in French. I think you should have them over every week so the girls can practice their French more. Have FUN!!!
