
Thursday, September 2, 2010

L'Épluchette de blé d'Inde

What does that title mean? It's translated, The peeling of Indian Wheat, which is basically a corn shucking party. The church we are attending here has a corn party every year. Everyone comes and shucks corn. Then, they use a small propane tank to heat a HUGE pot of water. Then, they boil the corn in the water, roll the corn on huge slabs of butter, and dig in! The corn was so sweet and delicious! We had such a good time. Doesn't my Silas look like a litte farmer? My Pap-paw would be so proud! Our gracious hosts, the Piché family, had a bucket and pail that Silas sat and played with for a while. I can't wait for him to be able to play in sand on the beach! Josh, Beth, and Brenna had a great time playing with all of the other kids. Beth is such a sweetie and always checks on Silas to make sure he's having fun too. She took him around in the stroller for a while and he loved it!

The Hamby's were able to make it to the party and brought along Bro. Dean and Sis. Karen Hamby that happened to be visiting, too! We were so glad. Mrs. Hamby was excited to have a chance to meet our baby Callie and was shocked to see how much Silas has grown. We were in a missions conference with them when Silas was 2 weeks old. Silas loved his Nana Hamby at that meeting!

What a fun tradition! And a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron
