
Monday, October 18, 2010

Please Keep Praying

Thank you, everyone, that has been praying for my Patrick. Shortly after we arrived in Florida his chest started hurting him, It's the same pain that he's been having off and on for about a year and a half. We thought maybe it was his gallbladder, so he decided to do a natural cleanse. It didn't get any better, so he finally went to the doctor. The doctor believed it was his esophagus damaged from acid reflux that was giving him pain. So, he sent us to a Gastroentologist. He agreed with our doctor, and thought it could be an Esophagus Stricture that is possibly giving him the pain. He scheduled Patrick to have Endoscopy for today. He was going to stretch out his esophagus and hopefully get rid of the pain.

The procedure went well, but the doctor said Patrick's Esophagus looks very healthy. He's not really sure what is causing Patrick pain that is steadily getting worse. Dr. Choudhery took a biopsy of Patrick's Esophagus and stomach, we also went today to have some more bloodwork done, then he's going to have a CAT scan done of his stomach on Wednesday.

Please pray for the doctor to have wisdom and to find out what is causing him so much pain.

Pray also for my man, it's so hard to see him in pain.

Now, I'm off to the Pharmacy to fill a few prescriptions for him. One good one for the pain, and Nitroglycerin to relax his Esophagus (just in case it's spasming uncontrollably)

I'm so thankful God has given me prayer warriors as family members and friends. I love you all....
By the way, if you ever want a really good laugh, watch Patrick coming out of being put to sleep! He made me laugh until I cried!


  1. Praying for all of you. Hate to see you in so much pain Patrick. I hope the pain meds help. And no, I won't laugh at you but I will crack up with Kami. haha

  2. So sorry for all the pain we are praying for wisdom for your Dr. Glad you know that God is in control and he works every thing for your good.You know he has a plan for you and nothing can stop his plan for you. We don't like the pain and the waiting and not knowning the why but, praise God we can trust him he has proved to us over and over that he IS TRUSTWORTHY. love you and we will keep praying. Just know if we laugh at you, you are helping in our healing hee hee.Laughter is good medicine THEY say. loretta

  3. We are praying for you ALL! God isn't going to give you more than you can handle AS LONG AS you look to Him for the strength you need. Love you sis! If you need anything let me know. I am a good sympathy crier! :) Next time he is put under let me know. I would love to be there for the comedy show as he is coming out! :) Love you more than you know!
